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This is the first time I have participated in a forum, so please bear with me.? I have been addicted to dexedrine for almost 10 years.? I have to, just have to get off this stuff!? This addiction has completely taken over my life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, every part of me has been lost.? I take this drug just to feel normal, but normal is getting lower and lower.? Addicted normal doesn't come close to how I remember normal being before I became addicted.? ?I tryed to stop cold turkey, but became so intensely depressed that I was afraid of suicide.? Now, I am tapering off slowly and I feel like hell.? Can someone please tell me that I won't feel this way forever.? I know that recovery is a slow process.? ?I just want to believe that I will feel normal again.? Thank you..

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: new member needs reassurace

Have you consulted a doctor or an addictions counselor for assistance (1) in withdrawal and (2) in relapse prevention?


Re: new member needs reassurance

I would think that the 1st step with any problem behaviour is realizing that there is a problem- and you've done that. Also, you have to want to change and from the sounds of it you do, so now it's a matter of finding the right person to help you w/ that as David suggested. You won't feel this way forever and you can recover- once you find the right help to get you off of that stuff and help you from relapsing, you will relearn what 'normal' means to you, w/ time and effort, but it will come. hang in there.


You won't feel that way forever :) You will be back to your old self again and all this will be worth while. But do call the doctor to help you with your task.


Thank you so much for your acceptance, encouragement and guidance. I don't feel alone anymore! For the first time in a very, very long time, I am hopeful about the future. It's always been a struggle for me to reach out to others for help, and no doubt this weakness has contributed to my addiction. Now, I believe that there is still a part of me capable of responding to something other than drugs. Tomorrow I will find an addiction counselor, and that will be a huge accomplishment for me.


It's wonderful to hear you're going to see an addiction counsellor to help you get through this difficult time, hon. There is definitely a rainbow beyond these dark clouds. You're on your way! :icon_sunny:
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