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Its so weird how things can be really screwy with your head, here Im im on no medications except vitamines and now im in a whole new state coping with change going back to work going to a place where i feel out of place and things are just weird and Im back to feeling depressed again, but im going to wait for a while and observe my self, "Can I do that observe my self" I have n't been working in 3 months and I have been working again at my new job employement and I don't like going to work. but I love takin care of my old folks. ooohhh wait Im back on Ambien for sleep now that stuff works now that im not on and kind of antidepressants or benzo's . I just don't know whats up
sorry to hear your feeling depressed again, I think you have done really well recently coping with all the changes in your life and not being on your meds, I hope this bad patch passes real soon for you:hug::hug:
If you are not taking antidepressants, try SAME which is glucosamine plus a natural mood enhancer. Or try St. John's Wort which takes up to a month to kick in but I used to use it and it helped my mood. Follow package instructions!
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