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Daniel E.
Re: Free Wifi at McDonalds

:D Also, the Canadian locations which previously offered Wifi for a fee will now be free, too.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Free Wifi at McDonalds

Woo hoo!! :yahoo:

On the other hand, does any one else find it curious that McDonald's is offering free wi-fi but they're still dragging on the long-requested option of offering real food?

What's next? the McPod and the McPad?

Daniel E.
Re: Free Wifi at McDonalds

Their Premium Salads are pretty good. And their Egg McMuffins are relatively healthy.

At least in the U.S., you would be entitled to a senior citizen discount for their coffee :coffee: And, if you so desire, an employee discount :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Free Wifi at McDonalds

Their Premium Salads are pretty good. And their Egg McMuffins are relatively healthy.

At least in the U.S., you would be entitled to a senior citizen discount for their coffee :coffee: And, if you so desire, an employee discount :D

  • I love Egg McMuffins
  • I'm not crazy about their coffee - too weak and reportedly it burns old ladies' thighs
  • I refuse to accept senior citizen discounts (except for auto insurance whwn I turned 50 :D)


David Baxter said:
•I refuse to accept senior citizen discounts

Prediction: In time you'll be seeking them out like kitty seeking catnip; Discounts are more common in the U.S. where senior discounts are available on just about every conceivable product and service. We like to call it "Old Fogeys' Revenge"
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