More threads by Eye Stigmata

How I wish that these words would purge you from my memories, the effects of having known you from deep in my soul. I wish that I could point my finger at you in a room full of your family, and tell them what you are. But of course that isn't reality, none of them would believe me.

I wonder if you still get pleasure from little girls...the grown ups were gone somewhere, why was I alone with you? Where were they when I needed them?

I still hate the feel of vaseline, I can't even think of it without flashes of pain, I still can't think of it without feeling it inside me. Do you remember what you did to me? I can't even imagine the gross pleasure you must have gotten in seeing me manipulated like that. I'll bet by the time I was old enough to really be under your spell, after years of abuse, that you were able to reassure yourself that I wanted it.

That my 7 year old self knew enough that I wanted you, that it was my fault, in your mind. You taught me that I didn't matter, you taught me that being a child wasn't safe. You pushed me down a path, you started a pattern.

Today.....I feel worthless, I feel like I'll never be healed. I feel like I'm suffocating on the only air I've got. I feel like the world should be stopping, It's the last day of 2009, I feel like tomorrow morning should be a fresh start......but it's just another day.....and time doesn't wait for anyone.


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I'd like to think that we don't give abusers anymore power than they've already taken from their victims. May 2010 be the year where you feel powerful, where your abusers have no place in your perspectives on yourself.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner

You are so courageous to have come so far. I know that the journey can be so hard. I hear you say that you feel worthless and that healing is impossible. Those are just thoughts, though. Powerful thoughts, undoubtedly, and reflective of the disgraceful and devastating things that this 'person' did to you, but thoughts nonetheless. Thoughts don't dictate your future. Hang in there. Who knows what amazing and healing experiences 2010 can bring to you?
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