Been there Done that
I am going through a change with venlafaxine in that for three years I was taking effexor 150mg. for almost three years. My doctor wanted me to taper down and wean completely off of effexor till I was taking nothing. For five days I was taking 75mg. and then for a total of twenty days 38.5mg. till I am taking nothing day 21.
I have felt very dizzy and dysphoric. What other physical and emotional changes can I expect as I am tapering down to nothing on the effexor?
My next question is my doctor wants to put me on luvox. Has anyone ever had a negative experience from this drug?
I took cymbalta a few years ago and became suicidal and very depressed. What were your experiences with luvox?
I have felt very dizzy and dysphoric. What other physical and emotional changes can I expect as I am tapering down to nothing on the effexor?
My next question is my doctor wants to put me on luvox. Has anyone ever had a negative experience from this drug?
I took cymbalta a few years ago and became suicidal and very depressed. What were your experiences with luvox?