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I am going through a change with venlafaxine in that for three years I was taking effexor 150mg. for almost three years. My doctor wanted me to taper down and wean completely off of effexor till I was taking nothing. For five days I was taking 75mg. and then for a total of twenty days 38.5mg. till I am taking nothing day 21.

I have felt very dizzy and dysphoric. What other physical and emotional changes can I expect as I am tapering down to nothing on the effexor?

My next question is my doctor wants to put me on luvox. Has anyone ever had a negative experience from this drug?

I took cymbalta a few years ago and became suicidal and very depressed. What were your experiences with luvox?


How about extending the taper down period to stretch it out for longer? Instead of five days, extend each period for ten days and instead of dropping 50% of the dose, drop by 25%.

Why the change from Effexor? Were you having problems with it? How was the relief of your symptoms?
My new psychologist is weaning me and I don't see him but once a month. The reason he is taking me off of effexor is b/c effexor made me manic. The tapering down is his idea and I only see hime once a month. What sould I expect as I taper down this fast?


What sould I expect as I taper down this fast?

Abrupt discontinuation of Effexor may cause dizziness, headache, nausea, changes in mood, or changes in the sense of smell, and taste Source RxList

This, of course refers to abrupt, sudden discontinuation, and you say you are tapering at 50% of the dose, so you may or may not experience some or all of these.

My understanding of the pharmacokinetics (the way this drug is distributed and eliminated from the body) would prefer to see a much more protracted tapering schedule. This medication reaches so-called steady state in about three days when the medication is first started...this is good because the doctor can see how you tolerate the medication shortly after starting it or changing the dose. When discontinuing the medication, each drop in dosage results in a steady state in about the same three days, and your body / brain chemistry has been accustomed to this compound for three years.

If you can speak to your prescribing doctor or even your pharmacist, explain the difficulties you're experiencing with withdrawl symptoms and ask if you can extend the taper period and reduce the dose more gradually.

My new psychologist is weaning me

Psychologists prescribe where you live?
As someone who has been on this medication for years, Venlafaxine is nothing to play with. It is a difficult drug to stop taking. And, you have to do it slowly. In terms of symptoms, I've had the following: high emotional volume - frustration, agitation, crying jags, body temperature changes, head shocks, tummy issues, dizziness, sweats, problems with equilibrium, etc.

Some things that have helped me are: not ingesting any caffeinated drinks or eating sugary items; keeping a diary of my symptoms. Only seeing your doctor once a month is not the best way to go because you're not being monitored well. I hope that if you notice abnormal changes that you will call your doctor.

BTW, I learned the above by trying to go off the drug without monitoring. Please do not do what I did.
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