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I owuld never do anything violent and have not ever been violent, but yesterday while having intrusive thoughts about stabbing someone, I had this urge to pick up a knife. It went away, fortunately. Should I tell my therapist or would she put me in the hospital?

The person I have thoughts toward I love very much and am afraid of acting on my thoughts. My old therapist just changed the subject when I said that I had violent urges. I am afraid that the new one would put me in the hospital for saying this. Do I need to be concerned? I had a panic attack about it last night.


Re: violent urges

I have thoughts like that too and talk about them with my therapist. Typically you can only be hospitalized if you are considered a serious threat to yourself or others so your therapist would have to be convinced of that. I guess it depends on your relationship. I tell mine everything and trust him enough that if something needs to happen that it's in my best interests. Nothing ever has though.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You're posting this in the OCD forum. I believe from your other posts that you've been diagnosed with OCD. If so, you should be aware that various thoughts about inappropriate acts are quite common in OCD. Your therapist should know this.

Additionally, the OCD sufferer is typically fully aware that the thoughts are inappropriate and that they do not represent his or her feelings or true wishes - that's why they are experienced as so shocking.




I was afraid to tell my therapist too,but then after I did I found that just talking about the urges made them ease up some.

I have even told him about times I have acted on the urges and he has never hospitalized me.We just work on ways to handle them better the next time.


I agree. Talking about it helps them lose their intensity and makes them less scary. I was terrified the first time I ever brought it up but now it's just one of those things I talk about when or if I need to.
I finally told the substitute therapist about my violent urges. I was relieved to know that I wasn't crazy and she told me that this is a symptom of OCD.Thanks for your posts. That gave me the courage to speak up.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hey, really proud of you! :) Happy that this way you can feel more free to talk about it with your therapist if you need to sometimes. :)
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