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That happens to happened to me today. I don't know why either, here's nothing new about today that should bother me. So I looked for something enjoyable or funny but things that normally make me happy don't. I'm going to go jogging even though that's the last thing I feel like doing...sometimes it helps a little. I don't get this.


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Yup...I'm sorry you're going through this CL. But, I do understand. My alarm is set for 5 am - that's when I go for my jog....Some days are just harder than others. And I'm now just trying to gauge those days and, take extra care to do what I need to...which includes the jogging for me...


Boy can I relate to exactly what you have written CL. I have days very similar to that and even times when my day will start off great and turn to bad pretty quickly and sometimes back to great again.....there just seems to be no rhyme or reason for it. Nothing special, nothing triggering...just because.

I can relate also to trying to do something that you enjoy to bring that sort of spark back but more often than not for me at least it doesn't work.

I hope your jog helps.

Take care
Jazzey: Jogging is one of the things that helps me do I say it right...not let it take over if that makes sense. I mean it doesn't help how I feel by a lot but I refuse to give in completely.

Halo: Hmmm we just have too much in common...I can feel great and then really bummed out in the same day or worse yet, the same hour. Sometimes it seems like something triggers it but then it just happens most of the time. That hasn't happened to me in a long fact I've been really happy for quite some time...until today.



It does sound like we have a lot in common. My thoughts when reading your post especially considering you said that it happened just today is this:

1. Are you sleeping okay, eating properly....I know for me that sometimes when either of these is "out of whack" then my mood can plummett quickly and I don't even realise it.

2. Have you started/stopped any medications recently?

3. Do you keep a journal/diary? If so, does reading the few pages/week before show a pattern of anything.

4. Do you have a therapist that you are seeing in whom you can explain this and help get some additional insight?

I know it probably seems like I am just rambling off questions but these are mental ones that I do all the time to try and determine my own personal fluctuating moods.

Take care
:hug: :hug:

1. I am a total health freak and eat properly 90% of the time. I've actually done a lot of research on metabolic types and eat the right diet for my type. Interestingly, the diet has cleared up some health problems I had like IBS, eczema and acne completely.

As far as sleeping...I attempt to sleep properly but I have problems with that sometimes...for the last 6 maybe 8 weeks I have only slept about 5 hours a night. It would be bed time and I just wasn't tired and would stay up drawing/writing, playing guitar and reading. Sometimes as crazy as it sounds, I'd go walk my dog until 2am just because I had the energy and wanted to get out of the house. Now I have completely crashed...I've slept 10-11 hours for the past 2 nights. I feel pretty much the same as yesterday...and tired in a way.

2. I'm not on any medications, haven't changed any supplements either.

3. I started a journal about a year ago...after the big breakup with my ex. It was therapeutic for me it has gotten to be a hobby. Reading back a few weeks: I just wrote mostly stuff about my plans for the books I want to write to inspire the world, that kind of thing. Just ideas and the offshoots of them. Everything back a few weeks was consistently good...well accept for a rant about an argument or two...I don't even want to go there.

4. No...but I will see somebody as soon as I get a normal day job. Right now I am self employed but could use some additional income for sure.


Wow CL, it really does seem like it happened almost overnight. As I have said, I am in the same sort of boat in a way and unfortunately don't have much to suggest.

One thought though was whether the accumulated lack of sleep night after night has lead to a sort of crash which plummetted your mood and now that you are gaining some much needed rest we can only hope that it will increase your mood.

Other than that, maybe someone else may have some suggestions.

Take care


I feel the same way at times and wonder if this is normal. How can I go from being in a great mood one day and the next day I wake up miserable. Nothing has changed in my life. I try to keep telling myself that I have everything going right in my life right now and it can always be worse. I also go running alot, maybe too much. I feel really great for awhile but, unfortunately it doesn't last that long.


Hi CL,

I can totally relate. I have days like that too. I'm glad you're going for a run - that's more than I can usually good on ya. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


You took the part "Wake up one day" for granted, that alone should start your day being happy. After that you choose how happy you want to be by how you accept what life has put in front of you, and how you choose to deal with it.
I don't have any reason to feel this way...there's not any particular thing I am bothered by. Its just that I FEEL sad and don't know why. Believe me, I won't let myself think negative thoughts (that just makes it worse), that I can choose...but on how I feel...I wish. I don't sit around thinking about feeling sad either (that makes it worse), I've been working in my garden today and finished reading a book.
i have days like that too, i wake up and it's just a bad day. had a bad day yesterday and today when i woke up it was a better day. not great, but better than before.


All we have is the moment we are living in, It could be working in a garden, or an unpleasant task. We have to learn how to enjoy that moment regardless what it is, because that is all we really have, this thinking can be accomplished with some effort.
CBT helps in most times, also if it can be found, if there is an actual cause and dealing with it, this too will help with down mood times.

Lack of proper sleep has been cited as 1 of the reasons for mood changes in most ppl.

I like what Halo said about asking yourself some questions and or reading over the diary\journal to see if a pattern is evident, etc.

I ask myself "why" a lot, sometimes I can see the reason other times I cannot, I come here and read a lot and that helps too.
I looked back in my journal...way back...and it was kinda scarey...there is some kind of pattern. Reading my journal really got me thinking...I read an entry and was like "ah, I remember that day."

Also I thought back further and got to thinking about all of the problems I have had over the years with school, extra curricular activities, jobs, relationships...everything would be great and then something happened and made it horrible and I'd flip out/quit/walkout. I wish I had a journal for then, but just having it for the past year told me a lot.


Sorry CL I got a little side tracked on that project but will make a note of it to look into for you.

Take care


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I have said anything CL because it looks like everyone else has it covered. What I do want to say - every time I see the title of this thread I laugh. Don't know why but it gives me the giggles every time.

Maybe because I can relate.
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