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I have been watching lots of news over Michael Jackson over the past week and I was struck by his bizarre behaviour over the years.
  • Eating Disorders
  • Drug Use
  • Self Mutilation
  • Childlike
  • Abusive family life
  • Robbed of childhood
  • Shaky self image
  • Boundary violations
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Suicide
Some of his closest friends: Liza, Elizabeth Taylor, Tatum, Brook, Lisa Marie, then meeting Diana --- similar backgrounds

Mother like figures – Diana Ross, Jane Fonda

Family and Friend Desperation – 3 children, young children

Animals – unconditional love….

These similarities have me wondering – was MJ Borderline? So I googled it = 18,700 hits….

I heard he was taking Paxil……interesting…….


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Re: Was Michael Jackson Borderline???

It's difficult to diagnose someone from a distance tigger. From a layman's perspective though, I don't have any real doubt that he had some psychological problems for which therapy could have been beneficial.

I am sad that he wasn't able to have a 'normal' life and I hold his children in my prayers....I have a sense that his life wasn't a happy one, despite all of his successes...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Was Michael Jackson Borderline???

There is and no doubt will continue to be a lot of wild speculation about this individual.

But probably the only thing more futile than trying to diagnose someone online is trying to diagnose a public figure who's not even online. Whoever he was is hidden behind so many layers of hype, myth, and public relations that anyobody's wild guess is just as good - and ultimately just as meaningless - as the next person's wild guess.


Re: Was Michael Jackson Borderline???

Yes its speculation from my perspective but I threw it out there to see what the community Knew / thinks as I think that perhaps we can learn from the misunderstood.

He was such a public figure like Diana who it is also rumored to suffer from the disorder that perhaps discussing the possiblity would help bring attention to this disorder, help those who can connect with some of the publicly displayed behaviour and ultimately help themselves /others in their healing journey.

MJ was a very talented, troubled man, perhaps his life was meant to help people in a different way then just gossip.
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