More threads by wheelinmaster

What kinds of hobbies does anyone have..

Myself I love Digital Photography, and I especially Love Shooting Waterfowl..

A rather expensive hobby to total invested 5500 $ Canadian

I still need more powerful lenses and the next one I want to get is 1800 $ CDN


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Re: Well its Saturday Nite 11:10 P:M

Hi Wheelin',

Photography is an expensive hobby at time. :) But, sometimes we just follow our passions without minding the rest ;)

Can I ask - are you Francophone? The way you've explained the prices lead me to believe that you may be...:) (from another francophone)
Re: Well its Saturday Nite 11:10 P:M

No, I am Irish and Ukranian.. Took french in High School but don't speak a word of French!

I sent you a PM I have PDF Book on Photography I could send to you via E Mail if thats alright!

Although we have a large Francophone Community here in Winnipeg!
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