More threads by peachypink

It seems as if I always drop everything I start halfway. Even the things I enjoy.

But lately I've been trying to work on it, as hard as it may be. Tonight I felt obligated to seek companionship online. Since I've also dropped the real life friendships I've established throughout the years.

Hi. My name is Stephanie and I'm an extremely indecisive 19 year old. I just recently quit my job, and every second I spend at home, is a second I spend lost within the rugged paths of my mind.

There are so many things I want to do in life. So so many. It overwhelms me to think about it, because any project that requires too much from me always overwhelms me.

The few times that I've felt genuine determination and happiness in what I'm doing, I always let my vulnerable self get shot in the leg twice, three times, four times..

I want to say everything started at the age of 12, but it was actually just a little before that. So many things have happened.

But the last thing I want to come off as is a boring old depressed person.

There are a million and one things I love in life, and it's those exact things that balance out my emotions day to day.

I start to tell myself I just want to disappear, but realize that I can no longer say I mean that. I'm finally starting to care. :) and that's always good.

Anyway, Hello again to everyone. I hope to find and provide support here to anyone and everyone. ^-^
Hi peachypink good to see you reaching out for support hun. Try not to look to far ahead ok look at each day and what it brings you I am glad you are starting to care about YOu, Do you have any professional support on the outside to help guide you


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome peachypink!

You've done a good thing by looking around for answers, and I'm so happy that you have come to a place in your life where you realise that you do care, and you want something better for yourself...

So best wishes to you in that, and I hope you'll find some helpful resources here. :)
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