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I found this while searching for info on Dysphoric mania. Hope it is okay to post it here.

Dysphoria - What is Dysphoria

The dictionary definition of dysphoria is actually very straightforward - a state of feeling unwell or unhappy. However, that could describe anything from PMS to raging flu to crying because your goldfish died. Many medical dictionaries define dysphoria simply as anxiety. But these definitions just do not describe properly the way dysphoria applies to the moods associated with bipolar disorder cycles. Many use dysphoria to define types of manic episodes while others associate it with depressive episodes. The truth is, it is actually quite valid as a description for either mania OR depression.

Dysphoric mania, as described in the Merck Manual, is "prominent depressive symptoms superimposed on manic psychosis." Symptoms include:

In everyday English, the complex terms above for symptoms of mania with dysphoria include - trouble sleeping, racing thoughts, grandiosity, mental and/or physical agitation, thoughts of suicide, feeling persecuted for no reason, hearing things, and having trouble making decisions (along with others).

Dysphoric depression, which many people think of as a mixed episode, consists of "intrusions of hypomanic symptoms or hyperthymic traits into a retarded major depressive episode" (Merck). Basically, this means that characteristics of hypomania or overactivity occur during a depression that in general has the patient sluggish or listless. Symptoms include:

  • irritability
  • pressured speech against a background of retardation
  • extreme fatigue
  • guilty ruminations
  • free-floating anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • intractable insomnia
  • increased libido
  • histrionic appearance with expressions of depressive suffering
Once again putting this into more common terms, the symptoms above for depression with dysphoria include: being easily angered, having pressured speech in spite of slowed thinking, being overtired, dwelling on guilt feelings, being anxious in general (for no specific reason), having serious difficulty in sleeping, having extra sex drive, and being melodramatic about feeling depressed.

Important Note: When associated with either mania or depression, dysphoria is linked with a greatly increased risk for suicide and should always be brought to the attention of a medical professional

By Kimberly Read & Marcia Purse,

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The terms dysphoria and euphoria are not clinical terms in themselves, except when attached to a diagnostic label. The simply refer to low or elevated mood in the generic sense, which may or may not have clinical implications.
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