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Noah Cyrus Launches Children's Lingerie Line :eek:

Noah Cyrus, Miley's 9 year old sister, is launching a line of lingerie for children. It's called "Ooh! La La Couture" and consists mostly of French maid outfits.:eek:mg:
There is nothing "Ooh lala" about children lingerie. This is all kinds of wrong in my opinion.
I don't know what parent in their right mind would approve of this(besides her own). This is not appropriate for a nine year old to wear. Anywhere.

It's pretty sad when a child's parent/s is more concerned with getting that next paycheck for their child then protecting her image and ultimately her safety. Let alone opening up so many other disgusting potential problems. Maybe I am over reacting, I don't know. What do you think? Am I wrong or are her parents completely off their rockers? :fool:
I think they are off their rockers Money always seems to speak louder i don't know why any parent would allow their child to be put in this position with all the sick people out there. It is definetly wrong


I almost choked on my tea when I read that headline. As if the world wasn't a scary enough place for children to grow up already. Who needs their own parents pinning a bullseye on their back with this kind of garbage.
The parents need a bulleye stuck on their back How can they not see how dangerous this is to the child both emotionally and physically It just is not right I hope the media is all over them for it.


The parents need a bulleye stuck on their back How can they not see how dangerous this is to the child both emotionally and physically It just is not right I hope the media is all over them for it.

I would hope the media would as well. Who knows these days. I definitely never thought I would read that head line, and there it is...
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