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Triggers seem to pull me back, still the pain does not lessen . the sadness still there i know i am stupid no one needs to tell me those words
When will this stop will i always have these flashbacks of pain of deep sadness I accomplish so much this morning i was me again how could this trigger take me so far back again.
Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs. I don't know how to help, but I'm thinking of you. Can you ground yourself somehow, with a warm blanket or hot cup of tea or something like that? hang in there and this will pass.
Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am ok CD i know it passes i do try to keep grounded my staying in present i will take a warm bath shortly Im sorry ok i am trying to stay focus on others right now so i do not feel this so deeply thahks CD

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

took bath now taking my med will take half a pill tonight not just a quarter of one i will sleep soon thanks CD for being here ok


Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

the pain is always there never forgotten and maybe still feel,but it will lesson as time goes on,time does heal.Its ok to feel pain but try not let it rule your every thought or your days.Look at what you do have now,not what you dont have,your a miracle just being born...your loved and you can love back.;)
Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

no i am not a miracle far from it and i do see what is good i do i was happy i was me for a change i was me then it all turned around again i guess i am just wanting it to stop now that all i want to feel like i did this morning not like now


Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of you Eclipse, and sending you strength *hugs*
Re: When does the Trauma stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dam i just on verge of tears you know just fighting them again time to get me out o f here go outside feel the air have a dental appt soon i pray to god i hold me together dam it i am okay i am just stupid memories um ok enought of this going outside now and no more fighting this i am okay lol getting that same dam tooth repaired again 3rd time now hope tries something new so it doesn't keep falling aprt sun up cold outside ubt that good i like feeling the cold it keeps me in the here and now.


if you think on how a baby is made only one sperm out of millions make it to the egg,you are that one miracle who made it,God chose you to live,the trials of life are lessons we ALL have to learn and cope with some take longer some never even have hardship,I look back at my past and its a horror story,I should be dead and brain damaged,Ive struggled all my life and was mad when god wouldnt take i covered my pain with drugs for 25 yrs,suddenly out of the blue(after i prayed to God)I started to get better,small joys came back slowly,i stopped useing drugs(thats a miracle for sure i was chronic)i even found love(gave up on that too)When i gave up on life and asked God why am i here if i hurt so much? He said cause in my heart im a good person and worth living and to be happy WOW who knew?? Im no longer ashamed of me but I had help....therapy,treatment ,dr.s,hospital stays,brain scans,i found out im ok and still have my wits inspite of my childhood trama,that was real hard to let go,never thought i could,but by the grace of a higher power iam healed.Im still on meds and always will be,dr. says its like if you have a heart condition you need meds to help ,well its the same for a chemical imbalance,I must keep my brain balanced with meds and food and very imporant be active,use your body and your mind to control your moods.try to know bad feelings are the devils way of keeping you down,dont let him win...tell him Go away!! That your done allowing his bad thoughts ruin your future.Im just saying this worked for me and im still fighting the good fight,my whole family gave up on me but now im doing very well,I had to move away from them as they are triggers of sadness,started a new life with my man who is like kind.We both have emotional damage but we reconize them and together we help each other thru those times of weakness,And your not stupid!!!You very smart cause you are on here trying to get ansswers that smart....:lol:
i use to poray all time i don't anymore really i know i can only depend on ME okay no higher power just me i will get me well it is taking time more then i wanted but i know me and i don't give up i have been getting tired of the fight lately but the new med has calm me some so energy is not being waisted on needless anxiety I have to somehow forgive me somehow i have to do that an di have to let go of the dam past let it go because i don't need to go there it ony cause me to unravel
Dam how can i heal when i don't understand why this someones pain from past keeps bombarding me i try to acknowledge it is just pain just sadness it is not mine and i don't know how to explain that it is not mine and i know everyones says it is but it isn't i walked away i changed me and um someohow i became someone i beat the odds first one in my family to escape poverty i will not let someones pain from past destroy me i won't this medication i fought so long to take has brought me some control back i am good as long as i am not triggered i am good. Logic is returned clarity has returned and i have returmed to me and i will win i will because i have never ever let the ones that use their power to harm win never
Those who judge me have not walked in my shoes they have no right to judge or attack i only hope they never feel this kind of pain anyways IT is me no God just me who will attack this dam illness yet again and i will win somehow i will
Took my med again longest i have ever taken med before
Makes me tired though not as anxious but so tired and just so small a dose it is ridiculous how i react to these medications
So small a dose and i feel the reaction so quickly im tired god i do hope this fatigue stops soon

Daniel E.
it is ridiculous how i react to these medications

If you are referring to Seroquel, I think that's normal. For example, I think 25 mg knocks most people out pretty much, at least in the beginning.
Yes but i am only taking a quarter of that and within 15 minutes i am wanting to go to sleep i was to try a half of pill but each time i slept a day with it I don't know why my body reacts so intensley to these meds i just feel so weak on them yet they help my mind i just wish the fatigues would go away

Daniel E.
Did you ever try over-the-counter Benadryl?

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------

Anyway, I assume you will probably get more used to the Seroquel, with less fatigue during the morning/day. In other words, the anti-histimanine effects that cause sleepiness will be less pronounced with repeated use.
yes i use benadryl when i have allergic reaction to food or meds it make me sleep all night that one does i am so tired i wish i could just close my eyes and sleep now why do i fight this sleep have much to do tomorrow going now to try to sleep once more so tired i am yet when i lie down i cannot sleep
ok will try take it at 8 pm to day see if that works days i work though i can only take it at 1130 pm when i get home I can't be tired while driving will try though when i am not working to take it earlier thanks Daniel
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