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I'm a little confused here because since I got back from the hospital and was put on my old meds, every single day, after I sleep a good 8-10 hours, I feel like taking a nap... like just 1 hour after waking up! And the sleepiness persists throughout the day so I usually indulge in coffee, nicotine, and sugary foods to keep me motivated and alert (since I'm in an intensive college program.)

I am currently on:
40mg Celexa (for depression)
1mg Xanax 4 times a day (for anxiety; this was reduced from 6 times a day)
3mg Lunesta (for sleep)
200mg Seroquel (for sleep)
1 multivitamin supplement
1 milk thistle supplement (for my liver)

I always eat a hearty breakfast every morning, and I've tried going without xanax during the daytime to see if that was it, but I still felt the same fatigue. Lunesta and Seroquel work exceptionally for me so I typically sleep a good 8-10 hours. I just want more energy! Tired of being lethargic every day and feeling like all I want to do is take a nap. One note as well that may be of interest, when I go to class at night (6pm-11pm) I will 'wake-up' so to speak, in the class where there is lots of social interaction going on (in the other class the teacher is monotone and boring and no one socializes so I'm still sleepy) I just find this odd because it wasn't like this before I was hospitalized, and I'm pretty much on the same meds as before, only things that have changed is the reduction of xanax from 6mg/day to 4mg/day and the multivitamin + milk thistle.

Daniel E.
You definitely want to call your doctor. It doesn't make much sense to be taking both CNS depressants and stimulants like caffeine, so reducing some of the dosages may be called for.


Are you taking your Seroquel in the morning or at night? One of the side effects of that medication can be extreme fatigue, and most people tend to take it right before bed. If you're using it for sleep, I'm assuming that's when you're taking it. Further to my post in your other thread, Seroquel is also a mood stabilizer for bipolar. I'm surprised you're on both Lunesta and Seroquel for sleep.

As Daniel says, a call to your doctor is in order. Your dosages and / or meds may need to be slightly tweaked. This is where a good psychiatrist comes in handy.
Are you getting enough sleep every night? Some sleep meds require a certain amount of sleep each night, otherwise it can lead to you feeling tired during the day...this combination with the anti anxiety meds could be adding to your feelings of fatigue.

Sorry, I wish I could help more...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
40mg Celexa (for depression)
1mg Xanax 4 times a day (for anxiety; this was reduced from 6 times a day)
3mg Lunesta (for sleep)
200mg Seroquel (for sleep)

Any one of these can cause excessive drowsiness or somnolence. Talk to your doctors about this.
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