More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Why Hanukkah is Better Than Christmas

  1. There''s no "Donny & Marie Hanukkah Special"
  2. Eight days of presents (in theory, anyway).
  3. No need to clean the chimney.
  4. There's no latke-nog.
  5. Burl Ives doesn't sing Hanukkah songs.
  6. You won't be pressured to buy Hanukkah Seals.
  7. You won't see, "You're a Putz, Charlie Brown".
  8. No barking dog version of "I had a Little Driedl".
  9. No pine needles to vacuum up afterwards.
  10. Blintzes are cheaper to mail than fruitcakes.
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