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As most of you know I just changed therapists from one that I didn't feel like I could talk to as much as I would have liked, to one that that I do feel I can tell anything to. The problem is, she's rescheduled three of our last four appointments and I just don't function well like this, mainly because my schedule is crazy busy...and it's always been the day of. I'm tempted to go back to my first therapist and just try harder to be open with him, because at least he kept our appointments. Any advice? If I could clone them I'd have the perfect therapist :D
hi bg, maybe this just happened to be a stroke of bad luck with your new therapist. i would try to stick with her i think and see what happens. the next time you do see her maybe you can bring this up that it causes problems for you. i cannot imagine that she would reschedule all the time. anyway those are just my thoughts.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I would agree with BBC - sometimes, when I am starting with a new client, it can take a few weeks to find a time that fits both the client's schedule and mine. Once we get a set time, it's usually not a problem.

It may also be that your new therapist is having health problems, family problems, or something along those lines.

I would suggest that at your next opportunity you raise the issue - perhaps in the context of "would there be a better time for you to schedule my appointments?".



I know that it can be hard trying to fit it all into your schedule that coincides with her schedule as well and it must be frustrating when the last four sessions have been cancelled as well but do hang in there. I know how much better you are able to open up to her and that is worth the wait. Trust me it took me almost 8 years to finally find the right person and when you do it is well worth it.

But like others have suggested, maybe casually raising the issue with her might not be a bad idea.

Take care and let us know how it turns out


Thanks everyone. I guess that's the direction I was heading in as well; I'm just frustrated but I guess she's allowed to have a life too! I'll wait it out for a bit and see if we can find a good time that suits us both and then see how it goes from there. I really do like her, it's just this one kink that's throwing me off.


I know it is hard to remember that they are human have a life besides sitting in that chair taking notes asking questions. How dare they? :) Anyway, I am sure when you see her next that you will be able to set a time that is good for both of you. I know that once I let my psych (old one) know that having such a long break in between sessions was very hard she tried her best for it not to happen too often.

As I said, let us know who it turns out and I think that you are doing a good thing by sticking it out with her. :goodjob:

Take care
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