More threads by lostintheabyss

this has got to be one of my biggest questions... why would a doctor withold information from a patient? do they think it helps? cause all it did in my case is make things worse on family and my behalf. not releasing my information isnt that against the law? what could be so bad they will not tel a person?

Daniel E.
I don't know the specifics, but this may underscore the importance of people getting a second opinion about the nature of their diagnosis or the best course of treatment.

Incidentally, in my state (Florida), I think everyone has a legal right to view their own medical records.
im from alberta, canada. i was in the psych ward in the university of alberta. i was in a program named day program. now in this progam were 30 people and about 10 doctors. did the whole group thing and a bunch of other things. this was a full time program. 8am - 4pm. so i never really got a second opinion. none of the doctors would tell me. just kept wanting to talk about my past. i think i know now they were looking for a rosetta stone i think the term is. i still dont see why they wouldnt just say you suffer from this and this how we begin treatment :panic:


It's like that in Alberta, Canada as well. You can get a copy. Mind you it is not an easy process.

I can't see why a Dr. would have any interest in withholding any medical information from you, but I also don't know you or your history or anything else so there may be reason for it.

Sorry that didn't really answer anything. :support:

Maybe the Dr.s didn't tell you because they hadn't figured out if there was anything to diagnose or not.
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I also wondered if maybe they didn't have a specific diagnosis. I have read that in many cases certain therapists don't feel that a diagnosis is really necessary for treatment. It certainly doesn't mean that it is necessarily something so bad that they can't tell you, there just may be nothing to tell. Having said that if you really do want to see your records you might have to battle with them even though it is your right to see them. Where I live, patients also have the right to see their medical records, but it often entails some hassle to get the doctors to let you see them. (as for me, I would be afraid to see what was in mine:eek:)
i ask this cause i do not know what to do and im thinking of going back for help. im older now so maybe this time after i get over my fear of doctors i can get some comfort and my mind will stop going a mile a minute


I know you just said you have a fear of doctors but has a Dr. agreed to admit you? I think it's great you want to get more help.
ya the last couple hours have been really rough. i do plan on seeking help on and off the site. i plan to call our health link thing here to get the ball rolling and see what will happen. having a mental breakdown is not fun. lucky ive found this site and have been able to talk with family for the last couple of hours. im really thankful for you guys and my family. im indebted
I think going to see a different doctor is a good idea and tell doctor you are wanting a diagnoisis if it is important to you. Me i will never get one i just want to be treated for me thats it. I hope you get to see a doctor soon so you can get the help you need take care.
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