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cool weather is bringing out the wildlife in this area Ive seen a red fox a blue heron some wild turkeys a young raccoon a coyote and a rabbit
I have not seen a deer since spring chipmunks are cute not many out this way I did see a beaver though but he ran back into creek when he saw me. or of course a raccoon too


MVP, Forum Supporter
Wow what a nice variety you have there Forgetmenot....

Not much to see where I am except birds, lizards, and occasionally you do see a kangaroo when driving south.

Actually there was a pretty wren in my yard the other day, one that's unusual in the suburbs.... quite a treat... and a big bobtail lizard thing found its way into my yard and fascinated my cat....

When my cats see those I pretend my cats think they're dinosaurs. :) They aren't quite sure what to do with them. Too big and slow to chase or attack.... yet still interesting....
yikes lizards i would not be staying around to check the out lol but a kangaroo i would stay birds are interesting here too i saw just one though a orange bird it was pretty different then rest we do see lots of vultures here turkey vultures they are huge and i saw an owl once and a hawk and some eagle looking birds i forget their names again
lots of horses around here and cows of course and a few donkeys and alpaca farming too they are cute and fluffy


I now have a steady customer base of humming birds and other birds to my little wild bird sanctuary on my back step. The occasional squirrel comes asking for treat bsut I tell him I'm not a squirrely kind of gal so it can just go on over to the neighbors for it`s peanuts.
I do not see hummingbirds here like i used to at my old house i have not seen one this way at all I use to like to see them so tiny they were and bright and they use to seem to fight over the nectar lol My sis feeds the squirrels and birds and even dam seagulls i let nature feed them


I get entire deer families(herds?IDK what they are called)in my yard.They live in the woods behind my house and come in my yard to eat the apples that have fallen off the trees.

I also get a lot of squirrels,chipmunks,groundhogs,possums,skunks,rabbits and lots of moles.Most people don't like moles,but I think they're kind of cute.A chipmunk got in our house once,it came down the chimney and was running all over through the house and really freaked me out.

There's also an annoying chipmunk that lives in the front of my house.When it sees me it hides and peeks out at me.I talk to it when I see it.I named it chippy.In the Spring it kept digging up my flower bulbs.Every day I would replant them and the next day they would be dug up again.People thought I should kill it,but I had fun with it.

I think the only thing I don't like is woodpeckers.I cannot stand the noise(a woodpecker drills/taps approx.8,000-1,200 times per day)and because of the damage to the trees.
woodpeckers are just eating insect from the tree that i think would eventually die anyways because it is infected with insects we get woodpeckers too i think they are neat but you are right i would not want one outside my bedroom window


Oh,and I don't like all the spiders that come inside the house when it gets cold.I'm not afraid of them,they just startle me.Like if I go to take a shower and pull back the shower curtain and there's a gigantic one in the tub.Or if I go in the kitchen and reach for a cup out of the cupboard and grab a spider instead.

We always get a woodpecker outside our back door,in a willow tree.It's SO loud and annoying and has really damaged the tree.


Nothing exotic here and I have not seen any skunks for a couple of weeks. Lots of squirrels and stray cats. I had one hummingbird visit for a short time this summer. I wish I had a picture as it was so beautiful.


Guys, I live in Africa :) I have seem a lot but Animals I have petted (Tames ones of course) are as follows:
Lions, Cheetas, Leopords, Elephants, Rhino and Hyenas, Giraffe and there was a variety of fish (mamels). I swam with dolphins and went on the ocean to view the wales. I once held a baby crockodile but that is when I was very small.

Around here we LOVE the bushveld.

My boss owns a farm and I rent the flat on it - there we have an Emu, some sheet, jackals, chickens, geese, ducks, a pig and some dogs :)

No matter what happens in our country, everybody gets together to view the big 5 and we all love the bush and animals.

Think you hit my topic :)
Now have two beavers living in my pond but they cannot stay they can become very territorial very aggressive and i am afraid they will attack me like they have attacked others they can be quite viscous so i cannot go to close to pond until dam is destroyed and i know they are gone shame though because i have always thought they were gentle animals but they are not
I saw a bear a few weeks ago. It was a middle sized one and it was in the road, but it ran into the weeds. I had never seen one in the wild before.
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