More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Command Central: Windows functions in one place
Windows Secrets
August 2014

How did an essentially undocumented trick, designed for IT administrators and commonly called GodMode, go viral on the Internet? Certainly the all-powerful connotation of the name aroused interest. But it's this function's one-stop list of Windows tools that wins over most users.

Whatever you wish to call this function, it conveniently consolidates into one folder a veritable switchboard of configurable Windows options and commands. The 256 items (sorted into 45 categories) are typically buried under layers of Control Panel menus or in right-click submenus ? or otherwise submerged in the vast number of admin tools in Windows.

To create this folder, take the following steps:

  • Right-click a free spot on the desktop and select New/Folder.
  • Give the new folder any name you wish, as long as it's followed by a period and the following string of characters: {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

For example, the file name could be something similar to this: All Commands.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

  • Double-click to open the folder, and it should be populated with more than 250 functions.

Figure 2. A few of the 250+ Windows commands included in the so-called GodMode folder

Of course, any one of these functions can be called up from the Windows search bar. But if you don't recall a specific function's name, good luck with that route. Your new all-commands folder should make a needed tool quick to find and easy to launch.


That was a pretty cool little magic trick.:) I wasn't really expecting anything to be inside the folder once I opened it.
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