More threads by Ashley-Kate

Hello ,

after discussing with my boyfriend the other night and realising that he feels i should get some time off work because he seems to think i am depressed i felt that i should look into it and maybe understand if it's what i really need.

About 2 months ago i went and saw a dr. to check out a mass i had and well then i had to go for an ultrasound then well it turns out the mass is a tumor and now i need to go for a biopsie, so well thats a bit the situation i am in. I am overly stressed and ever since i have had a very hard time sleeping and well have been feeling very depressed , while i am at work i am okay smiling and giddy and usual but when i get home i start crying again and feel so exhausted. I started eating a lot less not really a relapse into the anorexia simply don't have the will to get up and make myself somehting to eat and when i am at work i just dont eat.

Eating less is making me lose weight which stresses me even more because if i do end up needing some kind of treatment i am weakening my body even more . i dont know what to do but this waiting is really not helping.
Re: worried

Hi i know it is hard not to worry but try not too okay. The mass it self could be nothing could be benign and all the worrying then would be for nothing. I hope you can call the doctor and see if the biopsy can be done quickly. Perhaps put your name on the cancellation list incase someone has to cancel their appointment you will be called. If you think time away from work will help you then take it okay but i find work is my life line it is the only thing that keeps mind busy off the worries. Talk to your doctor okay about your inability to eat properly now as well maybe get on some boost drinks ensure to help keep your health up okay. I do hope you get your results soon so you know where you stand at least right hugs



It's not unusual to think about the worst possible scenario when you don't have enough information about your situation; however because you don't have all the information, as has been said, there are many possiblities of what might be the outcome, including some that might be of a less serious nature.

The best you can do for yourself is to work on getting your biopsy as soon as possible, seeing the doctor for the interpretation of the biopsy, then figure out a plan to deal with the situation at that time.

Has your doctor given you any information about what the possibilities might be? When is your biopsy scheduled?
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