Tips that might help your recovery from depression
5 tips that help my recovery from depression and might help you by Dr Aletta, July 30, 2019 Recovery from depression isn’t easy. Coming out of depression isn’t like flipping a light switch, one day you’re in the dark pit, the next you’re in a room flooded with light...
We’ll never get rid of fear. Because of our biochemical hard wiring, it’s here to stay. But when we make decisions that are driven by fear we become co-conspirators in building our own emotional prison. Be aware of when fear is driving. Relegate fear to the back seat. This, too, might be something for which to get helpful support.

Music combined with auditory beat stimulation may reduce anxiety for some: Combined treatments appear to help people with moderate trait anxiety better than music alone
Treatments integrating music and auditory beat stimulation are effective in reducing state anxiety in some patients, according to a new study.
"The findings from this research are exciting as they indicate that personalized music shows great promise in effectively reducing anxiety in specific segments of the population that suffer from anxiety."

Daily meditation may work as well as a popular drug to calm anxiety, study finds
Researchers compared a practice of daily mindfulness meditation to taking Lexapro to control anxiety symptoms. The meditators got equivalent relief, without the side effects.

A new study on anxiety in JAMA Psychiatry shows a mindfulness program works as well as the popular anti-anxiety medication Lexapro.

Why One Neuroscientist Started Blasting His Core
After he discovered a new anatomical basis for how movement decreases stress
“You have lots of different circuits built on top of one another, and they’re all feeding back to one of our most primitive and primordial response systems. They've really shown that stress is controlled by more than the traditional high-level cognitive areas. I think that’s a big deal.”
~ Peter Strick
Anxiety-Calming Techniques I Wish I Used When I Freaked Out
4 Anxiety-Calming Techniques I Wish I Used When I Freaked Out on a Plane by Bryn Bamber, August 25, 2022 “When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future.” ~ Unknown I was buckled in on a...
Simply saying “I’m feeling anxious” can help you feel calmer. A recent study showed that putting your feelings into words reduces activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain that regulates emotions and stress...So if you’re feeling anxious, say out loud to yourself or someone else, “I’m feeling anxious.” This will help you observe and detach from the emotion just a little bit so it’ll feel less overwhelming...
There’s research that hugging and self-soothing touch, like putting a hand on your heart, can lead to lower cortisol levels after a stressful situation. If I’d had a loved one to hold my hand or give me a hug, this would have soothed my anxiety to a degree. So hug your friend or your dog. And if you’re alone, put a hand on your heart to assure your nervous system that you’re safe.

People With Anxiety & Depression Share Advice For Anyone Who's Struggling | Soul Stories
We asked people living with depression and anxiety to share some advice for anyone who may also be struggling with a mental health condition.We love to conne...

At the end of the day, it feels so much better to move forward than to stay stuck.
More info: Quotes & Tips on Anxiety