Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life Instead: Get Inspired to Live Your Happiest Life Right Now
Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life Instead: Get Inspired to Live Your Happiest Life Right Now

Book Free with Kindle Unlimited Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life Instead: Get Inspired to Live Your Happiest Life Right Now



Psychlinks book review:

Many people with depression or languishing feel that life is overrated. So the idea that happiness is overrated may easily resonate. Similar to ACT and other mindfulness-based therapies where happiness is seen as temporary and the focus is on strengths and values instead.

A related author on the subject of inspiration is Dr. Wayne Dyer.


From the publisher:

"Inspiration is how we both completely lose and definitively find ourselves," -Elaina Noell.

Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life Instead breaks down the myths around the happiness we've come to know, expect and accept and reveals inspiration as the tool to unlock the true happiness we all desire and deserve.

Together, using inspiration as our guide, we'll leave the elusive path to happiness behind and instead explore the steps to true, immediate and lasting happiness:

  1. Stop Settling for the Happiness We’ve Come to Know, Expect and Accept
  • Discover the Power of Inspiration
  • Discover What Inspires You to Re-Discover Your True Self
  • Apply Inspiration to Every Part of Your Life
  • Break through the 10 Ceilings of Happiness
  • Live the Inspired Life

If you're feeling stuck or just want to enjoy more out of your daily experience of life, this guide will refresh you with the inspiration and tools we all need to live our happiest and healthiest life - the inspired life!


Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life Instead: Get Inspired to Live Your Happiest Life Right Now

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