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Just wondering if 3 years is a typical point where you start to get a lot of your feelings back after a traumatic experience or is it just down to the individual? I'm just trying to make sense of what's coming back now.

At first I desperately tried to remember and now I'm not sure I really want to, as the memories are coming in. I feel as if I'm doing a balancing act in trying to understand it all. Any input would be greatly appreciated. :confused:


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not sure there's any timetable for PTSD, NightOwl, any more than there's a timetable for grief.

The memories return when you're ready. You'll progress through healing when you're ready. Everyone is different.


Thank you very much David for your reply. I'm not sure myself about any timetable in recovery. I've had 4 major losses of dear loved ones and I'm not sure at what time total devastation stopped and recovery started, it was a slow process.

All I know is that today I can look back on old times with happy memories of my loved ones.

I find myself now dealing with the trauma of being attacked, and if I can make any sense out of it, I feel as if it will help me to move a little further on. Everyone in society seems to deal with anything like these type of traumas badly. Also I've found people can't cope with the words cancer, death, infertility, etc. I wish there was more education in society in dealing with these issues, I don't blame anyone, but it seems that there are some areas in society which are sadly lacking.

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