More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Frickin Bella
by Lori
November 22, 2009

Bella is the bomb. This girl really has it together. While watching ?New Moon,? I realized it was packed full of important lessons we can share with our daughters. I highly recommend you watch the movie (as I did) with your daughter and then encourage her to follow in Bella?s footsteps. Not only will this help her achieve success as a teen, but it paves the way to a lifetime of effectiveness. To get the dialogue started, I suggest you cover the points below.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teenage Girls

  1. When confronted with heartache, sit in a chair for months and stare blankly outside the window.
  2. When a vampire dumps you, date a werewolf. This makes everything better.
  3. Disappear for days-on-end. This strengthens the relationship you have with your parents and promotes trust.
  4. When spending time with your girlfriends, ditch them to jump on a scary-looking stranger?s bike.
  5. Hike in the woods alone. Not only will this allow you to become a damsel in distress to be rescued by werewolfs, it inspires you to make wise and thoughtful decisions, like jumping off a cliff into dangerous water.
  6. Reckless activities cause hallucinations of vampires. This is a good thing. If you are not hallucinating, you are not reckless enough.
  7. When you are 18, you are officially very old. It is time to be depressed about your age.
I had the above discussion with my daughter this afternoon. I really feel we connected.
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