More threads by crzycadn


Hello Everyone:

I live in British Columbia with my best friend, Tina, who is my 13 year old Toy Poodle. I have had her since she was a puppy and she means the world to me. There have been times recently that I truly believe if it wasn't for her, I would not be here. I had to keep going to take care of her. I am currently unemployed and an agency in town that deals with persons with disabilities is trying to help me find work.
I moved to BC from ON about 2 years ago. My sister lives here. I hit rock bottom in ON from losing a job that I loved in 2006, which in turn, I lost everything - house, car, self-respect - I mean everything. I was hospitalized twice that year for suicide attempts. I thought I would get a new start out here, but things haven't exactly worked out as planned.

Anyway, I believe my mental health issues started when my father died in 1990. I loved him very much and to this day I still miss him terribly. He was the only person that loved me unconditionally. I started drinking, then came the cocaine, crack and painkillers. I was never a heavy user of drugs, but I realize now that you don't have to be to allow these things to ruin your life. I have been clean since I moved to BC except for the very occassional joint and yes, about once a month, I drink more than I should, but I am even cutting that out. The 3-day hangovers just aren't worth it.

I just recently moved again to a bigger city with the hopes of finding work. I am very lonely. I don't hardly go out because I can't afford bus fare most of the time and I certainly cannot afford any entertainment. I am receiving E.I. until around March and I am terrified of being homeless. I can't talk to my sister about anything because quite frankly, she is irritating, a liar, and a control freak. It's hard just to be civil to her. In other words, she hasn't changed since she moved out here 20 years ago.

The good thing is that there is are excellent resources here for my mental health issues and being alone with no support really has forced me to deal with it.

So, that's where I'm at now - trying to find out how to deal with life, because sometimes, I just want to give up.

I saw a commercial about Pristiq last night, so I looked it up on the Internet and this is how I found this forum. I am glad I did, because just posting my feelings makes me feel better.

I expect to be going "medication free" for the next month or so after 8 years of anti-depressants so I'll keep you posted.


Re: A little about me.

Welcome to Psychlinks! Let us know how we may be of help.

Feel free to share your own experiences in any ongoing discussions or start a discussion thread yourself.

Hope you find the support and information you are looking for here with us.


Re: A little about me.

Welcome to Psychlinks crzycdn!:beer2:

Thanks for sharing a little about yourself.:goodjob:


Re: A little about me.

Hi, crzycadn,

Welcome to the forum. Feeling lonely is painful. Perhaps this forum can help. :)
Re: A little about me.

Hi and welcome crzycdn!, :)

I am glad you found us. Thanks for sharing your story, Tina sounds like a real sweetie, I'm happy that you have her as a friend. I know what it's like to have such a good best friend.
take care wp


I know that it sounds so easy to say, but I really do hope that you feel better soon. Welcome to the forum, and I hope that you find kind support at this website. :)


Account Closed
Crzy, I've really enjoyed all of your posts so far, irrespective of your location of origin. :)

I'm originally from New Brunswick, transplanted to Nova Scotia. :)


Crzy, I've really enjoyed all of your posts so far, irrespective of your location of origin. :)

I'm originally from New Brunswick, transplanted to Nova Scotia. :)
I've never been down east - always wanted to go though.

My Mom was a Newfie and proud of it!!
It is rumoured that I am a descendant of Irish royalty. Princess Sheila Negiera of Ireland was kidnapped by a pirate in the 1700's and they fell in love and settled in NFLD. Of course, I take after the Princess, not the pirate.;)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
originally from New Brunswick, transplanted to Nova Scotia

That's not really a transplant. That's more of a "tripped over the sidewalk". :)

It is rumoured that I am a descendant of Irish royalty. Princess Sheila Negiera of Ireland was kidnapped by a pirate in the 1700's and they fell in love and settled in NFLD. Of course, I take after the Princess, not the pirate.

I could be descended from the pirate. :blank:


Account Closed
That's not really a transplant. That's more of a "tripped over the sidewalk".
I could be descended from the pirate. :blank:

:lol: Hey, I went from a bilingual province to a very conservative, unilingual anglophone province...That's a trauma for this 'cat'. :lol:

I love Nova Scotia. But I will say that us 'Maritimers' are uber-loyal to our province of birth.

Crzy -you have an honourary Maritimes' residency because of your Mom. ;)
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