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I went out today and met with some people. I consider myself a very open person (maybe too open). this is what I struggle with. I go out, have a good time. I know others have a good time. Then I get home. Ruminate about how the day went and start obsessing and getting major anxiety about what I said. Was it too much? Was I too open? Did I say too much about myself? I even thought about it before I met with these people about how I should be. I don't know these people very well but we are beginning to get to know each other. I need to accept myself and not beat myself up after I hang out with people. I don't know why I even do that when the other people like my openness. I know that logically. My anxiety levels are at an 8 about this. Is this just me thinking I need to suppress myself. Cause really I think this is who I am. Why do I need to keep justifying myself to myself. Does that make sense?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
This is your OCD worrying style again, boi.

Try to remind yourself that's all it is and let it go. We all worry about things. But with OCD it's like you get short-circuited into an endless loop where you keep worrying about the same thing repeatedly.

Don't give it any power. Just let it flow through you or past you. Acknowledge it - "oh, there goes that thought again" and then do your best to ignore it as just your way of worrying that you haven't offended anyone.

If that isn't enough, try CBT remedies: If you had been inappropriate or offended anyone, you would have seen some reaction from them at the time. Since you didn't, there's nothing for you to be worrying about.


ya. thanks. that's a good way to look at it. If I had offended anyone I would have seen a reaction. Hopefully. I mean, usually people do react to offensive things. I think this is a good lesson for me. Patterns. Me thinking people wont be honest with their reactions and then reject me and then I would never know the reason why. I will let it pass and try and occupy myself with more positive behaviors.
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