More threads by therisingone

Hi everyone,

this is my well first post here.

I m seeing a therapist currently but for many reasons I want to change and "start afresh" (well one never starts afresh properly speaking but let's say that I feel that my work with this one is over). I just found an online therapy site.

Seemingly you can see a therapist through this means without the "traditional hassle", le's put it like that. :lol:

I am interested but I d rather gather some feedback before taking it up. Any of you guys already tried ?

Thanks a lot ! :)
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First just want to say hi welcome to Psychlinks therisingone

If you feel you have gone as far as you can with your therapist and want to try a new one then i would give it a go. Be honest with the therapist you are with now maybe he or she can give you some referrals to a new one

I think with any therapy there is an initial get to know you period though maybe not so in depth
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