More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
There once was a king who lived in two-story grass hut. Every holiday the king demanded to be given a new throne as a gift. As soon as a new throne arrived, he would store the old throne on the second level of his hut and use the new one instead. But one day the hut collapsed from the weight of all the thrones, and everyone was crushed and killed.

The moral of this story? Those who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.


Resident Canuck
Oh no, here is others....:panic:

Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?
If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.
Ask me if I'm a tree.
Ask me if I'm a tree.
Are you a tree?
Two strings walk into a bar. The first tries to order something. "I don't serve strings in this bar," the bartender says roughly and throws him out.

The second ruffs himself up, ties his ends together, walks in, and orders. "Hey, didn't you hear what I told your buddy?" the bartender says.

"Yeah," the string says.

"Aren't you a string?" the bartender says.

"I'm a frayed knot," the string replies.
What do you get when you cross a caterpillar with a parrot?

A walkie-talkie!

yeah bad, but I still laughed when I heard it... its ok to admit you did too.
Ok, these actually made me either their funny, or I'm really really really tired....uh....I won't further analyze which is correct...hahaha but I'm learning towards being over tired...:lol:
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