More threads by texasgirl

Daniel E.
Re: Terrible thing happened this morning

I did alot of research online yesterday to look for someone who is on my insurance and who indicates specialty in PTSD and bipolar disorder. I finally found someone and I have an appointment on Saturday. Hopefully this will work out.

I have a feeling it will. Thanks for the update.
Re: Terrible thing happened this morning

Thanks for the update texasgirl and I too hope this new therapist works out for you. I also hope you have people you can lean on there as well. Take care of you. Mary
Re: Terrible thing happened this morning

Hi TG ,
Thank you so much for the update , you have been in my thoughts .
His boss is doing a wonderful thing there .I will be thinking of you all on Thursday .

I am so glad you found the energy to look for and find a new therapist , let us know how you get on , I feel relieved you are seeing someone so soon for your own issues and to be able to talk about this new tragedy .
take care :support::hug: wp


Account Closed
Re: Terrible thing happened this morning

I'm so happy to hear that you're trying a new therapist specialized in PTSD and bi-polar...

Take good care of yourself TG and lots of love your way. :hug:


Resident Canuck
Re: Terrible thing happened this morning

That is great Texas Girl, that you found someone specializing in PTSD and Bi-polar.

Let us know how it goes on Saturday :D


Good luck on Saturday TG and let us know how it goes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :crossfingers:

Take care
:hug: :hug:
Thank you all very much. The funeral was yesterday. His body is being sent to Amarillo for another service and for burial. It was so sad. I really can't talk much about it.

I see the new therapist tomorrow. Hope it works out.

I will keep you all posted and thank you again for all your support.

TG :heart:
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