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Having lost someone, very, very dear to me recently, I have found it unbearable to even think of him in the past tense, let alone talk of him in the past tense, All the dreams I have had of him recently have been in the present, and yes of course he is present, he always will be.

Last night I was blessed by a very beautiful dream, the details of which are too private to describe, it was leading me towards a gentle gradual acceptance, of the physical loss.

I feel a little more serene this morning, still deeply grieving, but so happy to have seen him looking good and telling me not to cry.

:heart:This is something his gentleness and caring would have prompted him to say, whenever he was faced with someone else's sadness, wanting to make the hurt go away.:heart:

Goodness, that was hard to write, thank you for listening.


Resident Canuck
Hi White Page. I am glad you found comfort in the dream you had. I think it is great :) :kiss2:


Thank you for sharing such a deep feeling :support:
I hope that every day will be a little lighter for you :hug:


My condolences on your loss of a close and special loved one . White page.

My 21 year old daughter was killed instantly when a drunk ran her off the road 8 years ago this coming Saturday .

For a solid year after her passing I dreamed of her. I couldn't let her go.

As will happen when a sudden death is what a parent is dealing with. In all the dreams it was just an any day in the life of her. Sometimes she was a baby others a young woman it was never the same except at the end of the dream.

All during the dreams we would be doing just regular everyday things, but at a certain point I would reach to hug her or touch her in some way and instantly, I would wake up screaming. She was always as cold to the touch as her remains were in that casket. After a tear, I stumbled on to a dream interpreter and when I finished telling her about all this every night dreaming she said it was my Verna coming to me, trying to get me to understand that she was okay and, that I should stop worrying .

As the lady was telling me this I felt something release . After that day, I have never had those dreams again.
Reading your post about your dream reminded me of that first year and those dreams.

If I have posted this in the wrong place , I apologies.

Love and Light
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Account Closed
You posted in the right place WhyKat...My deepest condolences, from the bottom of my heart. :hug::hug: :heart:
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