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Sometimes I think I like the feeling of being anxious because without it I just feel depressed and empty. :( I hate this idea SO much, but what if it is true? How do I change it? Fix it?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No one is addicted to anxiety, and the "opposite" of dperession is not anxiety - it's anger.

But anxiety breeds more anxiety. The key is to interrupt the cycle.

And to do that you need

  • good sleep
  • good nutrition
  • balancing YOU time with time for others
  • appropriate medications
  • appropriate psychotherapy
I sabotage myself with most of those things and that is why I'm wondering if deep down I want to be depressed and anxious. That I get something out of it somehow. Maybe not that I necessarily like it, but that it's comfortable? I don't know.


My therapist says that I do get something out of my behaviors although I am not sure I/we have figured out exactly what that is. For me, she seems to think it is mostly avoidance although I am not quite sure I understand at this point. If I am anxious and constantly thinking then I can avoid facing the sadness and anger I feel over past injury and pain. Still working on it.


I use a lot of destructive behaviours to try and cope with anxiety and depression which just breeds more anxiety. It's not that it's addictive but that it becomes a known and thus comfortable coping mechanism. I'm kind of outta control right now some stuff and I need to figure it out. But in trying to avoid anxiety I'm creating anxiety.
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