More threads by lauralee31

I havent been smoking marijuana for very long just over the summmer ui started smoking and now im adidicted! i really dont want to smoke weed but im not sure what happened.... i didnt think it was addictive! How do i stop??? its hard to quit cold turkey


Welcome to Psychlinks, Lauralee! Glad you've found us.

I don't have experience with marijuana discontinuation, but others may have suggestions.

Hope you find Psychlinks informative and supportive.
What happens if you stop smoking?

You might consider finding drug treatment centers that do outpatient work, detox, etc.
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I'd be wondering if the weed was laced with something. Sounds like an "urban myth". If you just starting smoking pot this past summer, I'd be questioning your source of weed. probably too late for a drug test, if you are craving it now.
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