I don't think I'm addicted to coffee, but I buy a coffee at least three times a day during the "Roll up the Rim" contest at Tim Hortons. During this time of the year, I refuse to go anywhere but Tim Hortons for my coffee.
I don't know if I'm "addicted" per se - but normally I buy my tea bags by the box from Tim Horton's and make my tea at work however, this time of year, I too go and buy a tea from Tim Horton's instead.
Looks like we've sucked right into their marketing scheme .
I don't think that I can go by a Tim Hortons without stopping, no matter what, so yes I am addicted. To me it really doesn't matter whether the Roll Up the Rim is on or not. Some have said that I am severely addicted but I love my coffee and considering this is probably one of my least harmful addictions, I am not giving it up yet
I actually have a T-Shirt that says "Give Me My Timmy's and No One Gets Hurt" :lol: So true!!!
I'm a fan of their french vanilla cappuccino but I've only been letting myself purchase it because of roll up the rim. I'm usually deterred by the enormous amounts of fat and calories in one of them
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