More threads by David Baxter PhD


It's true. Like she says in her video about needing things to be clean and organized to work...I'm similar. If there aren't any prime conditions for doing something, I will avoid doing it.

For example, I have a second laptop that I use for work, that has some forms in it that I need to fill out. It is also sitting in a bag, not on my desk or somewhere easily accessed. I have avoided filling out those forms because I don't want to go through the effort of literally taking the 2 seconds to take it out. There are many little things like that in my job, and I thank goodness that I do have an assistant.


I wasn't going to say anything I was really trying not to comment on every thread but the reason is I am chatty. I can not keep my mouth shut (or hands from typing) sometimes it is one of my diagnoises. I am adhd. I have it, I admit it. I find I struggle to manage it. I wish I had a personal assistant, a personal chef, a maid, an organizor, a personal trainer but I am not indepantantly wealthy. I am blessed to have a husband who gets "it" now. He doesn't get mad at me anymore when I have a dozen creative projects going at the same time and can't complete one. I'm really not lazy I just get completely and utterly overwhelmed, or distracted and then I hyperfocus on something that isn't important. I can laugh at myself. He stays out of it keeps the house picked up and the kids on a schedule. Things I just can't seem to do consistantly. I do my best. He happens to love those qualities in me that make me me. He quit trying to change me and I try to moderate because I really want to finish stuff.

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

Ok, I'm triggered. Trauma bubble possible. I struggle with this so bad and that is why I reached out to a forum like this.To get through my day without driving myself crazy. My last kid went to kindergarden and I am home and I want be home what I am is an artist and I have everything I need at home. My husband works from home and he travels so working outside the home isn't reallly an option. My life and my time are completely unmanagable. I am driven by 100 forms of distraction. I take stratera it helps some of the syptoms like concentration but I cannot take the others like adderall I like them too much. I just flashed back to what I went through without any diagnoisis for any of the learning disabilities I had. I compensated. I was dyslexic. I never knew. Somehow I managed to graduate highschool and get some college (I avoided math and english). Thank goodness my kids don't have to go through what I did. Ahhh... I am breathing.
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