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I suffer from agoraphobia, though it has gotten a tad better over the last few years. I can not remember the last time I went ANYWHERE alone, but at least I leave the house now. I am terrified I am going to be stuck somewhere with no escape with either panic or my stomach (I have undiagnosed stomach issues and am actually seeing a GI tomorrow about it.) will act up.
I understand how you feel I have agoraphobia too. I have to go out alone now and have been doing so for over 18 months after losing all my help, its very hard indeed and although I do it it stresses me a tires me out. I go out early when theres not alot of people about, no queues and that is better, that feeling of being stuck with no excape is not so strong when the shops and streets are empty, what I have had to do is to try and adapt my life round my illness so I can get the basics done. I suffer with IBS too which is related to my anxiety and stress.
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