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I'm posting like crazy today...lots to vent about.

Okay, I've been travelling for a month with friend I met a few months before leaving. I met him through other friends and he happened to be going to the same place around the same time, and we got along okay so we planned to go together to make things easier.

However, I've since realized what a mistake that was and I'm planning on parting ways and striking out on my own asap because I can't stand the guy anymore.

He seems to constantly need to find fault in my actions, as well as those of my fellow countrymen (he's an immigrant from the u.k). Everything about his country is far superior to anything found in my country.

He calls me "magoo" because I tend to be forgetful and somewhat careless, and he is abusive about it even if it's something that doesn't affect him.

He takes every opportunity to cut me down. He calls me fairy if I do something that is even remotely un-manly (like having emotions about something). He takes every opportunity to bolster his own ego. But he attempts to act as if he's just casually conversing when he talks himself up, as if that's not what he's doing.

I'm somewhat awkward and suffer from social anxiety and low self esteem, so I've found that I need to withdraw if I feel uncomfortable. I'm okay with this because even if it is rude, I need to do it because I need to feel okay and I know that won't happen when those feelings creep up unless I escape, but he constantly tries to make a point of how big a flaw this is and how creepy I am and what poor specimen this makes me.

I am good at sniffing out argumentative people, and I know their manipulative tricks to give them an opportunity to be abusive, so I know when to put on the stone face and refuse to give anymore energy to the situation. What's significant about this is that I've noticed how this angers him where nothing else does. (I'm not trying to anger him, I'm just trying to defuse the situation). He seems to store that anger away and eagerly awaits the next slight so he can cut in to me again.

Here's an example of his need to start fight:

We have been keeping our money in a safe deposit box at the hotel which has a lock controlled by a key kept by the hotel owners, and an extra padlock that only I know the combination to (I told him but he forgot). Anyway, I left thsi morning for the day without telling him because he was a royal jerk last night, and I made sure to remove my padlock so he could access his money. When I returned later that afternoon I found him sitting in the lobby. When I asked what he was doing he said he was starving and hadn't done anything all day because he had no money on him and the rest was in the safe deposit box, which he complained he couldn't access because of my padlock (that i had made sure to remove before I left). The thing is, he could have taken a 2 second walk to the safe deposit box and seen I'd removed my padlock, but instead he chose to not check at all, and sit there and stew in anger. I was as conscientous and considerate as I could have been, yet he still found fault.

To top it all off, he told me he wants to go to this place in a country we planned on visiting in which you can shoot farm animals with automatic weapons. He wasn't kidding either.


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Vent away HC - that's what Psychlinks is for. :)

I think getting away from this person is a good idea. You recognize yourself that you already suffer from self-esteem - no need to have his helpful hand in that. If you can, move away from him asap and enjoy the rest of your trip.

...He definitely sounds like an egocentric jerk. But I can't comment on whether he's psycho :) In any event, is that diagnosis really important? He's a jerk where you're concerned. Just let him eat your dirt as you move away from him quickly. :)
I agree... I don't think it matters at this point if he's a psychopath or Superman. If he's constantly making you feel so uncomfortable, you should toss him out of your life with the rest of the garbage you don't need!

Life's too short to put up with some people's nonsense. :rolleyes:
Gosh Hotthencold, I agree with Jazzey and Charity, I would say goodbye and leave in the opposite direction from him right now.

Please don't think all guys from the UK are like him, they probably couldn't stand him any more and asked him to leave.

As Charity says whether he is a psychopath or not isn't important, he sounds very unpleasant and bad news as a travelling companion , you're better of on your own. You don't owe him an explanation, just split away after saying goodbye.

Keep us posted on how it goes.


Thanks guys. Maybe asking if he's a psycho was a little melodramatic on my part, probably cuz I was in the grip of a nasty depressive episode when I posted last night.

I ditched him this morning and get this, I actually felt bad!

I expected him to be quite confrontational about it, and he just seemed to quiet up, so I took that as he was actually hurt. I'm not letting it get to me though, cuz I remember how he's acted toward me in the past few weeks.

I already feel much more excited about the rest of the trip though. I called my dad and sister today and hearing their voices brought tears to my eyes, it was so good to hear from someone who only wants me to feel good and who cares about me.

Thanks for your input guys.
Thanks for the update Hotthencold,
A good move, Enjoy your trip. You must be feeling relieved and free now from the burden of an unpleasant travelling companion.

Have a great day. :)


Everybody gave you the best of advise and it makes me so happy that you took it. Must have been hugely draining.

Enjoy the rest of your trip - I am so glad you did something about it before the trip is over!

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