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Does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with anger that affects me to my core?

I'm talking about anger at things such as the harsh realities of life.

Specifically, as a man I am angry at all the pressure to be tough and "alpha". Also, I am angry at the fact that other men always want to "compete" for my girlfriend. Not very aggressively usually, but they will talk **** about me to their friends and stare at her. This blatant disrespect boils my blood, and the fact that many of them can kick my ass or are better than me in some way creates this impotent rage in me that makes me so hateful. I just want to dump my girlfriend, say **** the world and live a hedonistic lifestyle for me until I die.

I know I'm hypersensitive to things that trigger jealousy, and I also know it's because of my insecurity. I just feel like I've worked all I can at my self esteem, and even though I've made solid gains there just seems to be an empty, angry, weak part of me that no amount of self improvement can heal.

I've tried so much, and I still find my self full of rage, and so hateful at how all the the primal behaviour and disresepct, and my inability to not get sucked in by it.

I can't just say "it's petty, i'm better than that, yadda yadda yadda".

When I feel disrespected or angry it consumes me and I can't always be assertive in order to feel in control. Sometimes I just have to choke down the rage because there are consequences to even dealing with it peacefully. i.e- getting ridiculed or assaulted when I tell some jerk to have some respect, even if I do it in a nice way.

It just feels like I'm susceptible to a dangerous amount of anger that eludes my attempts at feeling good. I'm not one of those eternal victims who doesn't try and fix things before griping about it.

The point of this post is to ask what's a person to do when they've realized that there is just some very powerful anger inside that can't seem to be worked through?
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