So 'Hi'
I'm Fae, from London UK. I'm had mental health issues since I was a teenager and received various disgnoses along the way. I'm not sure how useful or revelent any of them are/were but I'd had my share of ups and downs anyway. I'm also a psych student (best of both worlds?!)- finished my second year and waiting on exam results... bah.
I love my films and TV shows, hate TV but love TV shows, much prefer to buy the box set than be slave to the viewing schedules. The Wire, Battlestar, The Sopranos. I play video games probably too much, read, write and try to keep busy.
There are still many days when getting up, getting washed and leaving the house are a problem, but there are also days when things get done and it's all good. I'm in a sort of limbo right now, I'm not hopping from crisis to crisis anymore, but I'm not 'whooo hoooo let's take on the world' either.
So that's me :dimples:
I'm Fae, from London UK. I'm had mental health issues since I was a teenager and received various disgnoses along the way. I'm not sure how useful or revelent any of them are/were but I'd had my share of ups and downs anyway. I'm also a psych student (best of both worlds?!)- finished my second year and waiting on exam results... bah.
I love my films and TV shows, hate TV but love TV shows, much prefer to buy the box set than be slave to the viewing schedules. The Wire, Battlestar, The Sopranos. I play video games probably too much, read, write and try to keep busy.
There are still many days when getting up, getting washed and leaving the house are a problem, but there are also days when things get done and it's all good. I'm in a sort of limbo right now, I'm not hopping from crisis to crisis anymore, but I'm not 'whooo hoooo let's take on the world' either.
So that's me :dimples: