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I am trying to prepare myself as i know soon i will be put in a position yet again which will bring on some panic attacks. Seperation anxiety is got to be the worse for me as experiances from past come into play. You think that knowing ahead of time i could prepare myself more to help decrease these attacks before they happen. I have tried and have succeeded in letting others live their life make their decisions but it does not take away my fears of what might be. I can barely breath just thinking about all that is to come driving on the highway for one god i hate that I will chose to take pay highway less traffic. Then again leaving my daughter again in care of yet more professionals whom i pray will leave her medication as is and just work on her addictions and trauma.
I want to be strong here and know now it has to be this way as i will not go back to being her carer just stay her mother. Oh god i don't understand she is stable with me. Seperation is not a good thing here no


I sympathize with your struggle Violetta, but stick to your guns. My husband and sons thank me now, for leaving them almost 3 years ago. Someone had to have the strength to move on. We have all become, healthier, happier people for it.

My sons have become my best friends,,,still kinda hoping the ex will come round, eventually. To be my friend.

It all works out as its meant to be?

Daniel E.
I have tried and have succeeded in letting others live their life make their decisions but it does not take away my fears of what might be. I can barely breath just thinking about all that is to come...
One way of dealing with uncertainty is radical acceptance.

Journaling can help, too.

And, of course, relaxation techniques like taking a walk or a hot bath can only help.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Also, of course, one sure way to bring on an anxiety attack is to "expect" it. Try using some cognitive restructuring strategies: "I can get through this. I will be OK. I won't have an anxiety attack. Just because it's happened before doesn't mean it will happen again. I can be strong. All I need to do is focus on the next step, one thing at a time."
Yes thanks i do alot of breathing in the box keeping myself calm One step at a time i get it oh oh oh i can do this right i can i don't want to but it is what it is and i have to so just do it right I will enjoy the week left i have with her and trust her.
It is me that i have trouble with which is why i am glad i will see my therapist before this all happens. I wish my husband would take her but he won't so that okay I am a friggin adult and i can do this and i will not fall apart I will go in profession mode and just do it thanks one step at a time and breath got it thanks I will be okay now
I wish tomorrow was here and gone i just want everything done with oh my whole side of my face is in so much pain r side just took pain killer to try to get rid of it. If it doesnt' work i will try something stronger. why is this day going so slow i need tomorrow to come i need it to be over with i will not ask him to drive again i won't i have done this twice dam it He is the father i don't care i don't need him i don't need anyone Just wish it was tomorrow. Why does time go so slow when you want it to go fast aha hah and other times the time gets away from you. hmmm better try to sleep not going to happen but aleast try.


Violet hunny, I don't know what to say to make you feel better, only that I am listening, so you are not alone.

Be cool, and remember, tomorra is a new day!
Its done over, wish i could call her. God i know it is for the best, she needs to be there. Logic wins this time thank god for logic I did the right thing she will be okay she will. I think i will go for a walk in that snow i hate it will do me good to get out of here and the cold air will feel good and help me sleep maybe tonight.
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