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are there people who don't worry about this?

so many replies! I guess it's good to know not everyone worries about food, dieting, weight etc. - That Lady, I don't know how you do it, I mean I think even if I were to be at a point where I had worked on eating issues, I still don't see how I wouldn't keep this kind of stuff in mind. And it almost seems like you have to in today's society- obviously that's external value only but you get what I mean. It's so stupid though there's plenty (!) of people who are say skinny and are not fit at all!! so being thin alone isn't even a measure of great health or anything. and yes, I wish I was still a kid in the sense, like Dianna, said that you're so innocent and don't worry about these things. I looooved candy when I was a kid. I could eat as much of it as I wanted too.... are children's metabolism different?? can you "unlearn" to worry about food completely??

eating several smaller meals per day though I think is definately a good idea. otherwise you're bound to overeat at the "main" meals or until your next meal. and it keeps your metabolism up and the more your metabolism is active (ie. by processing food) the more chances you have of burning cals.


are there people who don't worry about this?

so many replies! I guess it's good to know not everyone worries about food, dieting, weight etc. - That Lady, I don't know how you do it, I mean I think even if I were to be at a point where I had worked on eating issues, I still don't see how I wouldn't keep this kind of stuff in mind. And it almost seems like you have to in today's society- obviously that's external value only but you get what I mean. It's so stupid though there's plenty (!) of people who are say skinny and are not fit at all!! so being thin alone isn't even a measure of great health or anything. and yes, I wish I was still a kid in the sense, like Dianna, said that you're so innocent and don't worry about these things. I looooved candy when I was a kid. I could eat as much of it as I wanted too.... are children's metabolism different?? can you "unlearn" to worry about food completely??

eating several smaller meals per day though I think is definately a good idea. otherwise you're bound to overeat at the "main" meals or until your next meal. and it keeps your metabolism up and the more your metabolism is active (ie. by processing food) the more chances you have of burning cals.
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