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Army Personnel may be more vulnerable to Macromineral Deficiencies ? Depression and Suicide
by DannyH
May 28, 2009

Army personnel may be more vulnerable to macromineral deficiencies caused by high levels of stress and sleep deprivation over long periods of time. Macromineral deficiencies can cause neurological disorders such as insomnia and depression.

Alcohol and homelessness just makes the macromineral depletion worse.

The deficiency of Macrominerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium due to stress can cause serious disorders. Some psychological and neurological disorders are depression, emotional disturbances, personality changes, hallucinations, confusion, loss of memory, seizures, and coma. Some physical symptoms (disorders) are muscle pain, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, tremors, and complications of the heart such as cardiac arrest or heart failure. Deficiencies in Macrominerals can also cause or lead to Acid-Base disorders.

Macromineral Deficiencies and Acid-Base Disorders

Part of the solution is in what Lynn Hughes said ?he wants me to fight the fight?. Army personnel and veterans are in another war too, a psychological one. Army personnel are trained to overcome all enemies and challenges, psychology plays a key role and an important factor in accomplishing this. Not only does God want you to fight the fight, you need to use psychology to fight for yourself, for your loved ones, and for your country.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, about one in three homeless adults in the country has served in the armed forces; current population estimates suggest that more than 150,000 male and female veterans are homeless.

"I limped around for a long time, depressed," "I felt guilty and wanted to kill myself." .. "Maybe that's why God let me live ... because he had this in mind for me. He wants me to fight the fight." ~ Lynn Hughes.

Once-suicidal man becomes veterans' lifeline -

Psychology and Suicide factors

Feeling of purposelessness and hopelessness can also lead to depression and are suicide factors. When a person loses their employment they may suddenly have feeling of purposelessness. When people are faced with unemployment, feel trapped, envision a hopeless future, or feel they are in a hopeless situation these are suicide factor.

Psychology is needed to find and have a sense of purpose and to remember that as army personnel, you have been trained to overcome all challenges, fight the fight, and envision a positive future. You need to learn about psychology to use it and take action. Taking action will also give you a sense of control.

Push back in the opposite direction. If something or a situation is pushing you towards purposelessness or hopelessness, you need to take action and push in the opposite direction.

Suicide Factors and Depression

Army Psychology Philosophy Example
In a war, win or lose, you fight. If hopelessness is affecting you or if your enemy wants to use hope and hopelessness against you, as a weapon or to break you, to defeat you, take those words out of your mind. Hope and hopelessness have nothing to do with anything, you are to fight and defeat your enemy. You just do, hope and hopelessness do not apply.

It may sound easy but it isn?t when a person is overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair, and affected by neurological disorders. Prevention and awareness is key.

If the Army is serious about addressing the problem, it needs to address the stressors common to soldiers, including financial problems, marital problems, frequency of deployments, length of deployments, deployments to hostile environments, exposure to extreme stress and service-related injuries, he said.

The role of alcohol too must be addressed if the rate of suicide is to be lowered, he said.

'Tell somebody,' if you're thinking of suicide, says general -

A major United States military post is shutting down for three days following a rash of suicides

Combat stress manifests itself in different ways, he said, citing the case of a U.S. soldier charged with killing five of his comrades at a mental-health clinic in Iraq earlier this month.

A record number of soldiers committed suicide last year -- at least 133, the Army said.

More soldiers killed themselves in January of this year than died in battle, Army statistics suggest.

Army post shuts down for anti-suicide event -


PTSD - High levels of stress and sleep deprivation, macromineral deficiency, and high levels of cortisol can lead to PTSD.

PTSD is similar to fear conditioning. It involves high levels of stress, fear, and cortisol. The cortisol levels imprints areas of the brain that are also associated to fear, so what happens is that when you experience similar sounds, images, or environment you can re-experience those emotions of high stress or fear.

Fear de-conditioning involves people being exposed to the same experience without fear.
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