More threads by AllyCat


Hi everyone.
So yesterday I convinced my mother to join me in my therapy session so we could talk. I have been avoiding her and the issues I have with her being friends with her pedophile ex-boyfriend for a while. Anyway it was good to have someone there to steer the direction of the conversation, if we were alone it would have been all about her (my mother is a narssicist so my therapist kept having to get her back onto talking about me). All in all it was a good start and I feel a bit better for doing it. Already some of the emotional numbness has eased. The point is I got home after therapy and had the urge to paint, I had all these feelings running in turmoil that I had to do something. I'm sure it helps me deal with things, I don't know what it means but it does something. Does anyone know how art helps people deal and why? It is a very interesting concept I would like to learn more about. I have attached a pic of my painting and the drawings I have done while going to therapy over the past year. Thanks for reading.


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AllyCat - well done :)

I really like the drawings. They say and express so much and you really have talent.

Art has been something I have been trying to get back in to and you've helped give me that motivation to do so right now - so thank you.

It must be a very good way to process and get out those deep feelings.


I loved the painting. I am biased because that is my medium of choice. I don't remember all the theory behind Art as a therapy but for me the entire process is soothing. I went to treatment for trauma and part of the program was art. For me yah sure adventually it matters what it looks like in the end but I am always amazed by what can happen when we free our minds to express what is in our heart and soul.


Thanks AmZ, those drawings were collected over a year from my visual diary that I kept with me at all times. I'm glad you're inspired. It is very relaxing to paint or draw so I say go for it. I have a selection of really small drawing books so one if not two are always with me. I don't know about processing anything because I just switch on my ipod and get into a zone were everything goes away and I can just paint or draw and not really think.
Thanks Carla Marie, I love oil paint too. That is also my medium of choice, I'm running out of wall space in my house. I'm not sure if the painting is finished but I'm afraid of overworking it. I have also been through a lot of trauma and I assume painting is helping relieve it. I think everyone is an artist and if it makes you feel good or a bit of release from anything, then why not just go and do it.
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