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Mother forced son into wheelchair

A mother is facing jail after she admitted persuading everyone, including her son, that he had fake illnesses.

The 35-year-old from Devon, who cannot be named, even forced her healthy son to have surgery and use a wheelchair. She admitted cruelty against her eight-year-old son, who is now in foster care, and perverting the course of justice. She was told by the judge at Exeter Crown Court that she would face jail when sentenced in the new year. The scam started after the poorly newborn boy was put in a special baby care unit.

But his mother continued to pretend her son was ill for the next six-and-a-half years. She once told a paediatrician that he could never keep his food down and he had surgery to install a tube into his stomach. After that he was put in a wheelchair.

The case came to light after she took samples of her son's blood to a hospital. Medics suspected that she had laced his food with sugar to get them artificially high.

Police said she was claiming up to ?20,000 a year in disability living allowances and a Motability car. Det Con Mark Uren, of Devon and Cornwall Police, said after the case: "She is a cruel, manipulative, evil mother who constantly lied to the medical professionals that her son was the most ill child in Britain. She is a calculated, manipulative woman."


Re: Article about an abusive mother.

Horrifying. People who commit MBP are obviously mentally ill individuals, and yet I have a hard time drumming up any kind of compassion for someone whose mental illness causes them to intentionally harm another person, most in particular their own child.

Perhaps with a little more education I could be somewhat more compassionate. In my ignorance I can only feel revulsion.
Re: Article about an abusive mother.

I agree Fiver, in the way it is difficult to feel compassion for psychopaths, it is not within the realms of my possibilities to feel compassion for this type of manifestation of a mental illness.
All I can say is thankgoodness someone noticed.
Medics suspected that she had laced his food with sugar to get them artificially high.
And the little boy is now safe.
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