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The general population doesn't really understand eating disorders, they make think they do but honnestly not really. some people will believe it is based solely on the need to be thin and perfect yet those are caracteristics of the eating disorder now the eating disorder. SOme people have to take time to think logically. If someone is prepared to die thin to starve herself to death because she feels that that will make her happy then its not about being thin it's not about being perfect it's about making something better, kind of like putting a band aid on a cut. Unfortunatly the band-aid is an eating disorder wich will ultimatly cause infection and kill you ( if you take the example of the cut) starving oneself numbs the pain that is really there purging make you feel as if you are expressing the pain getting it out of you. the truth is it's not efective and you know it cause it will just remain there the hurt you are trying to fis won't ever heal. You need to take the band-aid off take a good loook at what went on and fix it then the infection ( eating disorder) will be able to be worked and it will be easier. cause the infection is healed all that is left is to heal the cut. I sort of went off on this hole metaphore i hope i didn't lose anyone i am trying to encourage myself..
No you explained so well how you are seeing things and i hope you continue to get the treatments to heal the infection good for you taking that bandage off and getting the help you need to heal properly hugs
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