My son plays baseball on a travel team and he is quite g
ood. During the games, a lot of the kids have big
mouths and talk "you-know-what" to each other.
My son is starting to get aggresive too. Last game
he blocked a kid hard, and he felt good about himself.
He doesn't act aggressive at anytime during the game.
I think this may be the fact that he is getting more
emotional, or should I say determined, about sports.
He seems to play better with it. He gives respect
though, and he's not immature.Is this aggresive
behavior something I should try to get him to stop?
ood. During the games, a lot of the kids have big
mouths and talk "you-know-what" to each other.
My son is starting to get aggresive too. Last game
he blocked a kid hard, and he felt good about himself.
He doesn't act aggressive at anytime during the game.
I think this may be the fact that he is getting more
emotional, or should I say determined, about sports.
He seems to play better with it. He gives respect
though, and he's not immature.Is this aggresive
behavior something I should try to get him to stop?