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Tourette Syndrome Specialist Launches New Book to Help Youth With Tics
Published on Thursday, October 09, 2008

This book has the power to help you make the tics of your choosing to go away—for good!

Hey. Got tics? You’re not alone. Up to one in five kids will have at least one tic at some point. Including the guy who wrote this book!

Nix Your Tics is a how-to guide book to help youth and young people learn to manage, treat, or get rid of bothersome tic or tick symptoms. It teaches behavioral techniques like habit reversal training and CBIT, fosters a positive attitude, and provides hope.

Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay, Psychologist (‘Dr. Dunc’) has Tourette Syndrome. That means he’s been living with both motor tics (movements he has a hard time stopping) and phonic tics (noises he has a hard time stopping) for most of his life. He knows firsthand how annoying, embarrassing, misunderstood, painful, and disruptive tics can be. For years, he’s been educating people all around the world by means of his presentations and Websites, and through appearances on television, in magazines, and on film. Now, in “Nix Your Tics!”, he wants to share with you a little-known but well-established, evidence-based practice* he uses to manage tic symptoms in both himself and in his patients.

*as per criteria set out by the American Psychological Association’s Division 12 Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures.

This book has been endorsed by Paul Sandor, M.D. (Director, Tourette Syndrome Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital and Chair, Professional Advisory Board, Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada), John T. Walkup, M. D. (Department of Psychiatry, John Hopkins Medical Institute and Chairman, Medical Advisory Board, Tourette Syndrome Association), and many more.

Nix Your Tics! A How-To Guide For Young People
Life's A Twitch! ? Publishing (ISBN 978-0-9810684-0-4)

Retail cost $25.00
Shipping and handling: $5.00 CDN/$10.00 US

Distribution: Freelance Communications
To order:
Duncan McKinlay website : Life's A Twitch - Tourette Syndrome Associated Disorders Site by Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay

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