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Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
My singing teacher has asked me to book myself in for a Bowen Therapy treatment "ASAP". I've had a lot of painful muscle tension, which I hadn't mentioned to her, but yesterday while remarking on an unusual quiver in my voice she took a step back, looked me up and down, prodded me in the muscles and exclaimed about how tight they were. She had me sit down and wiggled my legs around to try and relax them while telling me a little about it. I'd never heard of bowen therapy before and am a little relutant as I'm not a huge fan of strangers getting close and personal, but she said she's going to nag and nag until I do. (Just for clarity's sake I realise she can't make me do anything, but she really seems to think it's wonderful.)

I mentioned her suggestion to two separate colleagues yesterday. One of them said something noncommital that made me suspicious; when I asked whether there was something he wanted to say he said he'd tried it after a car accident and said he thought it was quackery. Clearly not a fan there. The other said, "Bowen therapy, eh... that's a bit hippie!"

Helen, my teacher, said that private health insurance covers it so cost isn't an issue, but having had such different accounts of it from three people whose opinions I would usually trust I am interested in getting some more input before making a decision. If you have tried it or know anything about it I would really appreciate your contribution. :)



I've never personally had an experience with it however my father has.

He was the same, thought it was all quackery however he went along anyway and now swears by it!

It really helped him out. If cost is not an issue, perhaps give it a go?


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Thank you for that very promt and helpful reply :)

I have been telling myself that going along once and giving it a try can't hurt.


Yeah, it doesn't seem to be anything that would do you harm but at the same time I know when I went to a kiniesiologist a long time ago I had to go regularily to feel any benefit and I still left wondering if I felt better because she helped or if I felt better just because she would push on tension points and relieve the pressure for that little bit which then had me thinking it was good when really it wasn't.
lol Did I just confuse you. Do you know what I mean?
Personally I don't think it would hurt any though. Maybe in the pocket. I wonder if just a regular back/body massage wouldn't do the same.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hehe, yes, I think I understand what you mean - you found it somewhat helpful when you went regularly, but you aren't sure that it was anything remarkable about the specific treatment that did the trick. Is that right? :)

My friend said the same thing about just going and getting a normal massage. Who knows.


lol Yes that's right. You translate my brain jumble well.

Yeah, I suppose you never know until you try it out. It's not like your going to walk away with your right leg attached to your neck, or any scarring or anything like that.
If you give it a try and it's helpful, let us know! :goodjob:

Keep on singing! :beer2:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I read it as a variant of chiropracty, which for some people provides temporary relief but requires that the patient continues to go for regular "treatments"; if not, any oain or discomfortor or other issues quickly return.
I tried it for my feet which have been hurting for a decade and have spent lots of money on orthotics etc to no avail :(

It did precisely.... diddly squat.

It might work for others but based on personal experience I'm afraid I can't work up any enthusiasm. I soooo wanted to believe in alternative therapies (because I have been in pain for years and years and keep getting fobbed off by "regular" doctors) but those I have tried didn't help me at all. :( I'm tired of reading glowing reviews and knowing I don;t have the scientific background/knowledge to sort the wheat from the chaff.

sorry for the mini-rant :eek: Hope you find something that does work for you soon.

PS looking again at the thread, what I had didn't seem to be like a mini massage at all, it just involved poking around for certain "points" on my back and legs (not the feet at all, although apparently the ley lines or energy channels or whatever are connected...) and a once-only little movement that felt like something was being rolled over under the skin. (a vein? a nerve? whatevs). Maybe it was something different and I got ripped off... :confused:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Thanks for all of your replies :)

I'm sorry you didn't find it helpful, Blackdogwalker. Rant away! I looked up some explanations and demonstrations of bowen therapy on you tube. It does seem to be more like gentle 'poking' of various points than massage.
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