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I am helping a family member set up at face book page for their business. Do I need to worry about making the phone number or email visible in such a manner that only legitimate customers can access them?


David would be your best resource for that question. I don't do FB...tried it, didn't like it....:facepalm:



Thanks, Steve....I don't use Face book either because I don't like it and find it time consuming to navigate..for example, just spent the last 2 hrs!! trying to find a way to invite friends NOT on face book by individual email without accessing an email account address is either not possible or I need to waste more of my time hunting...grr:confused:


Account Closed
I am helping a family member set up at face book page for their business. Do I need to worry about making the phone number or email visible in such a manner that only legitimate customers can access them?
I am not an expert on computers (far far away from it), but why don't you ask the family member what is their comfort level and business needs in this regard. Some businesses would do anything possible to advertise their contact information. Do not know if I am making sense here. I guess, depends on the type of business and target niches of this business, if they target the general public, then obviously confidentiality is not a good option. By the way, online marketing is a fascinating field.

I do not like facebook's regulations regarding ownership of any pics, visual and other materials you post using FB. At, least that's how I understood it some years ago, when I stopped using FB completely. I dislike FB to be honest, sorry.


Thanks, amazingmouse...they do taxes and i was wondering if the phone is okay with numbers such as 888-888-8888 or to conceal from spam bots by using the word eight for last numbers . My concern is that they start getting "you won a trip" calls 20 x a day.


Account Closed
My concern is that they start getting "you won a trip" calls 20 x a day.

In this case, go with XX or words or whatever else you want to use, I guess. It is the same problem with white pages, yellow pages and all these business catalogues, where spammers can obtain phone numbers and call multiple times. According to the Canadian marketing laws, you can request to be put on a "Do Not Call" list and they have to abide by it. I have tried it and it works at times (50/50).
As to the face book page itself, I can't help, no idea.


In this case, go with XX or words or whatever else you want to use, I guess. It is the same problem with white pages, yellow pages and all these business catalogues, where spammers can obtain phone numbers and call multiple times. According to the Canadian marketing laws, you can request to be put on a "Do Not Call" list and they have to abide by it. I have tried it and it works at times (50/50).

Yes...yes.. thanks...I was thinking that phone numbers were like email addresses on the web. I did find a solution to all though....just use a photo of contact info.....perhaps the business card.


Account Closed
Got it now :), having an auto-dial lists, yikes. You did well with the photo of contact info, good luck with the business services.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes...yes.. thanks...I was thinking that phone numbers were like email addresses on the web. I did find a solution to all though....just use a photo of contact info.....perhaps the business card.

They can be. You can set up a webpage so that a phone number is linked so that clicking on the link will dial that number, or alternatively you can have it send a text message to that number.
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