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Caffeine Chart

If you rely on a strong cup of coffee to wake you up in the morning or a can of caffeinated soda to energize you in the afternoon, you're not alone. But how much is too much? Generally, 200 milligrams a day is considered a moderate intake of caffeine for adults. Check out the chart here to learn how much caffeine is in your favorite foods or beverages.

Now that you've got an idea of how much caffeine you're consuming each day, consider the potential health effects. Too much caffeine can contribute to conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, diarrhea, shakiness and nervousness. Caffeine may also increase your heart rate. If you feel your caffeine intake is grounds for concern, you may want to stop cold turkey or cut back gradually if you experience symptoms of withdrawal.


"The Caffeine Corner: Products ranked by amount." Nutrition Action Healthletter. Center for Science in the Public Interest. Published 12/96. (Viewed 9/24/02)

"Caffeine." Hershey Foods Corporation. (Viewed 9/24/02).

"Caffeine in Soft Drinks." National Soft Drink Association. (Viewed 9/24/02).

The Coca-Cola Company. (Viewed 9/24/02).

Duyff, R. American Dietetic Association's Complete Food & Nutrition Guide. Minneapolis, MN: Chronimed Publishing, 1998. 166.

"FAQ's." Bigelow Tea. (Viewed 9/24/02).

"FAQs." Pepsico Inc. (Viewed 9/24/02).
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