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I am at home. They are here all the time, day and night. They tell me I do not have mental illness. To stop all my medications. That I am responsible for all of this. I know this and I know that I am broken and cannot be fixed. I have done all that is being asked. I am getting all the things done and as fast as possible. I am tired but still they watch and and keep telling me what is wrong. I got all the things so as to end everything but still they keep telling me I am horrible and useless. It cost to much am bad for everyone. I will not take much more time. I understand all of this. I am not talking to any of the people I know because they said that I am causing them harm. I guess that I am not going fast enough, that is why they will not go away. It takes me so long to get all this organized and I am so very tired. I am close now and have bought everything. I just have to let them know where to take my pets. They still will not stop. Can anyone tell me how to get them to leave me alone, I need some quiet to think and get this organized? I hope they don't go at me more for asking this question. Can anyone help. Please how do I tell them to leave me alone. Thank you.


They are the people who are helping me. I do not have there names, sorry. I think they are with mental health. It is so hard to concentrate with them always telling me what to do. I don't think they will go away. This might be a wrong time to ask. Sorry if this is a waste of time. They just get angry anyways.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If they are with mental health, why would they be telling you to stop all your medication? I thought you were at home... are there any family members there with you?


They said That I do not have a mental illness and I am a waste, I already know all these things, they do not have to keep going. I live alone. It does not feel that way right now, it is so loud.


I did but I am not seeing them anymore. I do not have anything wrong with me. That is why I do not understand. I was told to stop all my medication because of this. I am a waste and must deal with this my self. I cannot understand why they keep after me when I already know this. I made my purchases and am finishing up. they know this and still will not go. Can you tell me how to make them go away. I need to lay down soon. I don't feel well and am tired. I don't think anyone can help.

---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

I understand I should not ask here either. My fault sorry.
Who told you, specifically, that you should go off your medication? Are you sure your doctors told you to stop taking medication? Was the medication you were taking prescribed for you? It will help us help you if you can tell us these things. And also if you could advise what the medication was/is.

Are you at home alone right now?


I do not know who they are, they do not tell me. They just tell me what To do. I have taken this medication for years except one and now it is wrong. Go off it and deal with it. I understand that it is only me that can do this to myself. That is why I am not suppose to talk to anyone. I have not until now and it was wrong. Please don't hurt anyone because I did this. This is so sad and I am very sorry, I did not mean to cause trouble and I have. This is why. and I was wrong. I did not realize writing about this was bad. The medication is bad for me, I know that and I am sorry I told you. I am sad and I was just wanting a little peace and that is not the way it was meant to be. I am suppose to be this way and I should not have involved anyone else.

I am just so confused and I know I am suppose to be that is what I am go through because it is all my fault. My medications don't matter but now i have screwed things up so badly I am not sure you should even need to know this. or why it matters.

But you all know everything now anyways. I thought this would protect me only writing again I am wrong. why do I have to be wrong. why can I not know first. I do not want you to think I was taking someones meds. they where mine. Topiramate, clozapine, wellbutrin,ativan. Do not tell on me, this will only make it worse for everyone. I promise that I will not do this again.

Please just tell me you just let it go it is mistake go. I am so sorry for this. They watch and make sure I am alone but now I know no communication means none. I just thought this would be o.k..

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

You must not discontinue those medications - that would be very dangerous for you. Please make an appointment to return to your doctor to get his or her advice of you believe the medications need to be changed, but you can not just stop taking them.
Hun are you sure it is not just the voices inside telling you to stop these meds Like Dr. Baxter has said it is not safe to just stop them hun If you do this you illness will get worse. Call your doctor hun or go to the emergency dept of your hosptial take someone with you and your medication bottles and tell the doc there what is happening ok
You need to get back on those meds now hun for your own saftey Please let us know how you are doing hugs LIsten to the people here hun okay we care and we understand i understand I do please go and get some help now for YOU

When you say
I do not know who they are, they do not tell me. They just tell me what To do.
It doesn't sound real. Are these people who are telling you that there's nothing wrong actually physically in your place with you? Is it possible that these voices you are hearing are auditory hallucinations? Do you see people around you or are you just hearing this going on?

Even Dr. Baxter thinks something is wrong here. He is a therapist, and in your therapist's absence he thinks it is best to continue taking your medicine. Every health professional worth his salt knows that you don't tell a patient to just up and quit taking medication, especially anti-depressants or other types of medication. You could get very ill or your thoughts could get very confusing. Please do what Dr. Baxter says and take your medications.

"They" can't be who you think they are (or who they are pretending to be) because it doesn't sound to me like "they" know what they are talking about or behaving like health care professionals. And if they claim to know who your doctor is and that he said something, tell them you are going to call your doctor right now and make an appointment to find out if what they are saying is true. If it isn't true they are going to be in big trouble! And you need to go back on your medications!

Because actual medical people would not tell you to stop taking your medication, and they would NOT tell you that you are a waste of time or anything like that. Something tells me that you need to see your therapist or physician as soon as you can. You need to see someone who can help you sort out what is going on.
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